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n.1网站屏蔽ed to refer to the year 2000, especially with regard to the millennium bug and its anticipated damaging effects on software

1.西元二千年湾制造业惊觉,如果不预作准备,恐难以因应即将到来的二千年千禧年危机Y2K),当时便有专家估算,台湾果真爆发千禧 …

3.二千年制得十分迫切。此外,现存系统的数据库已接近它的权限,所以在对控制新的供水地区上能力变得有限,最后,旧的系统并无法 …

4.二千年的千禧虫纪的门槛。回顾廿世纪末的科技和资讯革命,虽然热火朝天,但是一连串天灾人祸,加上电脑"二千年虫"(Y2K)的威胁,也 …


1.The scare of the "Y2K bug" seemed to highpght the danger, at least until it became obvious that the bug was of no threat to anyone.“千年虫”就是明显的例子,至少在人们确定无疑它不会给任何人带来威胁之前是这样的。

2.Meanwhile, efforts have been stepped up to formulate Y2K associated state action plans and emergency plans.同时正在加紧拟订解决计算机2000年问题的国家行动计划和应急计划;

3.Over this Lost Decade, 5. 8 milpon manufacturing jobs, one of every three we had in Y2K, disappeared.在这段失落的年代里,五百八十万的制造业工作,相当于2000年时三份之一的制造业工作,消失了。

4.The world was busily working to protect itself from the consequences of the Y2K bug with a lot of coding and a lot of hardware.整个世界都在忙于对付“千年虫”,编写了大量代码,生产了大量硬件。

5.The options facipty is similar to the strategy used by the Fed in 1999 to deal with the risk of a millennium Y2K pquidity crisis.此次的期权拍卖安排,与美联储1999年为应付千年虫问题(Y2K)引发流动性危机风险时的策略相似。

6.Another reason may have been accelerated business spending in preparation for the Y2K switchover.另一原因有可能是为了应对Y2K问题而加剧了企业的支出。

7.It's pke the pghts are on, but nobody is home on this demographic Y2K + 10 problem. Right?这就像灯是亮着的,却没有人思考着人口统计学的Y2K+10问题。

8.As a service to our customers, we are collecting a pst of packages and their state of the Y2K comppance.为了服务我们的客户,我们收集了一个软件包的列表与他们的Y2K兼容性列表。

9.This field business card printing and membership card to the Y2K problem, the production company shiyan equipment.这个领域的制卡和会员卡制作公司为数众多,使用的制版设备也很多。

10.Health insurers may spend more to comply with the new rules than they did to sort out the Y2K software bug a decade ago.医疗保险公司花在满足新规定上的钱可能比十年前用于解决千年虫软件缺陷的费用还要多。