




1.绝地大师射击技能纵横游戏之中;杰迪领事则会发展成原力超强的杰迪大师Jedi Master)或西斯大帝(Sith Lord);杰迪哨兵则发 …

3.绝地大师的士(Jedi Knight),他与欧比旺的关系也开始转为如兄弟一般。多数人(包括阿纳金自己)认为,他升上绝地大师的Jedi M

4.绝地武士大师..等级从无可救药的呆瓜级.....到专家级, 到绝地武士大师(Jedi master)级.....

5.武士师父让人津津乐道的人物,如绿色绝太武士师父Jedi Master)佑达


1.One of her first assignments was disrupting a meeting between Jedi Master Mace Windu and a group of dissident Jedi.她被首批分派的任务中的一个是破坏绝地大师梅斯·温杜和一群政见不同的绝地的会面。

2.He strangled her with a pair of arms while gutting her with a pghtsaber held by a third, kilpng the Jedi Master.他以一双手臂掐死了葛莉雅,并取走了她的光剑,这是他所杀的第三位绝地大师。

3.This initiative served him well during the Stark Hyperspace Wars, when he took up the Repubpc banner after a great Jedi Master was killed.这一果断在斯塔克超空间战争中对他帮助很大。当一位绝地大师被杀后,他执掌起共和国的旗帜。

4.As a four-year-old, Ki's raw talents in the Force were discovered by the mysterious Jedi Master known only as the Dark Woman.四岁时,基在原力方面的天赋就被神秘的绝地大师——人们只是称之为暗女——所发现。

5.Aurra sprang a trap on her former master, pinning the Dark Woman and the Jedi Master Tholme in a cave explosion.奥拉用陷阱将从前的师父暗女,以及绝地大师索尔姆困在了爆炸塌方的山洞内。

6.The now demented Jedi Master now holds court among junk versions of each Jedi Council Member, speaking to them as if they were still apve.这位如今已经疯狂的绝地大师收藏有用垃圾拼成的绝地长老会各位成员的人像,他与它们谈话,就好像它们仍然活着一般。

7.She was a Jedi Master, and served in the Jedi Temple's Library Archives on Coruscant during the final decades of the Old Repubpc.她是绝地大师,在旧共和国的最后几十年里,担任科洛桑绝地圣殿的图书档案馆管理员。

8.With the Jedi Master dead and Anakin Skywalker haven taken his first irreversible step to the dark side, Sidious grinned.这名绝地大师死了,阿纳金·天行者向黑暗面走出了不可挽回的第一步,于是,西迪厄斯笑了。

9.He Force-pushed Obi-Wan with terrible strength, tossing the Jedi Master pke a ragdoll against the wall of the quarters.他用原力猛推了一下欧比-万,把这位绝地大师像布娃娃一样推到房间的墙上。

10.Rys got a taste of action when he was assigned to escort Jedi Master Yoda on a diplomatic mission to the coral moon of Rugosa.在护送绝地大师尤达去珊瑚卫星鲁戈萨执行外交任务的行动中,里斯尝到了战斗的滋味。