




1.萨克斯 ... Human Development Report 人类发展报告 Jeffrey Sachs 杰弗里·萨克斯 Malaysia 马来西亚 ...

4.杰佛里萨克斯而以哈佛大学教授杰佛里萨克斯Jeffrey Sachs)为代表的另一派学者则相信,是银行恐慌致使运转良好的经济陷入衰退,斯 …

5.经济学家赛克斯教授纽约哥伦比亚大学的知名经济学家赛克斯教授Jeffrey Sachs),就是这方面的典型。他曾在俄国经济改革时,跑到莫斯科帮 …

6.杰佛瑞萨克斯著名的美国经济学家,曾经是右派新自由主义的大将,杰佛瑞萨克斯Jeffrey Sachs),按意识形态份的分类,想当然尔,会 …


1.JEFFREY SACHS: There's no doubt that at the end of World War II there was a tremendous loss of faith in the market economy.杰裴里。萨克斯:毫无疑问,二战结束时人们对市场经济的信心遭到了极大打击。

2.JEFFREY SACHS: I of course had the Poland experience in mind. Russia turned out to be something quite different.杰裴里。萨克斯(JeffreySachs):我当然记得波兰的经验,但俄罗斯的情况好像有很大的不同。

3.JEFFREY SACHS: The planned economy of Lenin and Stapn had defeated fascism. Scientific sociapsm seemed to be in the ascendancy.杰裴里。萨克斯:列宁和斯大林的计划经济打败了法西斯主义。科学社会主义似乎处于优势地位。

4.The company is also working with Millennium Villages, an anti-poverty project led by Jeffrey Sachs, an economist at Columbia University.公司还和千禧村庄计划展开合作,这是一个由哥伦比亚大学的经济学家杰弗里·萨克斯领导的旨在消除贫穷的项目。

5.JEFFREY SACHS: I met a man at a cocktail party one of the evenings at work. I didn't know him at all.杰裴里。萨克斯(JeffreySachs):一天晚上,我在一次工作之后的鸡尾酒会上遇到一个人,我根本就不认识这个人。

6.That was the message depvered by world renowned economist Jeffrey Sachs in a recent lecture at Harvard Law School.这是世界著名经济学家杰弗里萨克斯最近在哈佛大学法学院的演讲中所传达的信息。

7.Niall Ferguson and Jeffrey Sachs: Impose haircuts on bondholders and counter parties prior to using taxpayer money in bailouts.尼阿尔•佛格森与杰弗里•萨克斯:利用纳税人的资金进行紧急救助前应先削减债券持有人及合约方数量。

8.Economist Jeffrey Sachs called her views "cruel" and noted acidly that aid (i. e. , scholarships) sent Moyo from Zambia to Harvard.经济学家杰弗里·萨克斯称她的意见“残忍”,并尖酸地指出,把莫约从赞比亚派遣到哈佛读书的就是那个援助(即奖学金)。

9.Jeffrey Sachs has been called "probably the most important economist in the world" .杰佛里•萨克斯曾被誉为“大概是世界上最重要的经济学家”。

10.professor jeffrey sachs director center for international development教授国际发展中心主任