




1.我们共同的未来九八七年联合国环境与发展委员会(WCED)出版的『我们的共同未来』(Our Common Future)确认无限的经济增长只是一个妄 …

3.我们共同的未來evelopment, WCED)於1987年在「我们共同未来Our Common Future)一书中,将永续发展定义为:「既能满足当代的 …


1.As we head into Copenhagen, let us resolve to focus on what each of us can do for the sake of our common future.在我们准备出席哥本哈根(Copenhagen)会议之际,让我们痛下决心,集中精力去做我们每个人能为我们共同的未来所做的事情。

2.We cannot afford to sit back and allow criminal networks to destroy our common future.我们不能束手旁观,坐待犯罪网络毁掉我们共有的将来。

3.Support for Israel's security is a wise investment in our common future.对以色列安全的支持,这是我们共同未来的明智投资。

4.And in this campaign, he has inspired so many to become involved in the democratic process and invested in our common future.而在这场竞选中,他激励了许多人参与到民主进程中,为我们共同的未来出力。

5.That is why we must resist the forces that divide us, and instead come together on behalf of our common future.这是我们抗拒割裂我们的力量,为共同的未来走到一起的原因。

6.Insuring "Our Common Future? " Dangerous Cpmate Change and the Biopoptics of Environmental Security Kevin J. Grove《确保“我们共同对策未来?”危险的气候变化与环境安全之生物政治学》,凯文·J·格罗夫,俄亥俄州立大学地理学系

7.Centre for Our Common Future;我们共同的未来中心;