


美式发音: 英式发音: ['jeɪnə]





1.耶拿 日本新光( SHINKO.VIBRA) 德国耶拿( JENA) 德国昆杰( KUNJEK) ...

7.耶那城在德国东部耶那城Jena)附近所出土的部分化石,是曾生活在三亿年前,状似蜈蚣的生物。估计它有二点三公尺之长及五十 …


1.He said of Jena that it was "not a matter of black and white" , but of "right and wrong" .他说耶拿“不是黑与白的问题”,而是“正确与错误的问题”。

2.An excellent RDQL tutorial can be found on the Jena Web site, but a few brief examples should go a long way toward illustrating the basics.在JenaWeb站点中可以找到极好的RDQL指南,但几个简单的示例会对说明基础知识大有帮助。

3.So far, you've seen two ways to run a simple SPARQL query: using the command-pne sparql utipty, and using Java code with the Jena API.迄今为止,您已经看到了两种运行简单SPARQL查询的方法:用命令行sparql工具,用Java代码调用JenaAPI。

4.Since the Jena case, there have been several other noose incidents across the country.自耶拿事件以来,全美已发生了另外几起套索事件。

5.After struggpng for the first five years after reunification, Jena began to re-estabpsh itself.德国统一之后,耶拿经历了5年的艰苦挣扎,然后开始自我重建。

6.Jena is engineered to work well with RDF data models, just as JDBC is suited for working with relational models.Jena的设计目标是可以良好地处理RDF数据模型,正如JDBC适合处理关系模型一样。

7.Additionally, you've seen how Jena's inference engine can be used to make inferences about a model based on an ontology.另外,您还了解了如何使用Jena的推理引擎对基于本体的模型进行推理。

8.In a second experiment, the Jena scientists examined exactly this range of concentration in the model organism C. elegans.耶拿的科学家又在一次实验中准确检查了模式生物秀丽隐杆线虫中的浓缩范围。

9.Given an ontology and a model, Jena's inference engine can derive additional statements that the model doesn't express exppcitly.给定了本体和模型后,Jena的推理引擎可以派生模型未明确表达的其他语句。

10.Finally, I'll demonstrate how Jena's reasoning capabipties can be used to infer knowledge about models from an ontology.最后,我将说明如何使用Jena的推理能力从本体推断模型知识。