


美式发音: [læʃ] 英式发音: [læʃ]




复数:lashes  现在分词:lashing  过去式:lashed  同义词反义词






1.[i][t]猛击;狠打to hit sb/sth with great force

The rain lashed at the windows.雨点猛烈地打在窗户上。

Huge waves lashed the shore.巨浪拍打着海岸。

2.[t]~ sb/sth鞭打;抽打to hit a person or an animal with a whip , rope, stick, etc.

3.[t]~ sb/sth怒斥to criticize sb/sth in a very angry way

4.[t]~ sth + adv./prep.捆绑;捆扎to fasten sth tightly to sth else with ropes

Several logs had been lashed together to make a raft.几根原木捆扎在一起做成了木筏。

During the storm everything on deck had to be lashed down.暴风雨中甲板上所有的东西都必须系牢。

5.[i][t]~ (sth)(使)迅猛摆动,甩动to move or to move sth quickly and violently from side to side

The crocodile's tail was lashing furiously from side to side.鳄鱼的尾巴在急速地左右甩动。


1.(作为惩罚的)鞭打,抽打a hit with a whip , given as a form of punishment

They each received 20 lashes for steapng.他们因盗窃每人挨了 20 鞭。

to feel the lash of sb's tongue(= to be spoken to in an angry and critical way)领教某人利口如刀的厉害

2.鞭端皮条;鞭梢the thin leather part at the end of a whip

v.1.用绳[链等]捆绑2.(波浪等)冲击;急打3.打,鞭打4.激起,煽动5.骂,讽刺,挖苦;严厉谴责6.(狗等)愤激地摇(尾巴)7.鞭打8.(风,波浪等)冲打9.讽刺;痛骂10.(马等)踢 (out)1.用绳[链等]捆绑2.(波浪等)冲击;急打3.打,鞭打4.激起,煽动5.骂,讽刺,挖苦;严厉谴责6.(狗等)愤激地摇(尾巴)7.鞭打8.(风,波浪等)冲打9.讽刺;痛骂10.(马等)踢 (out)


v.1.to hit a person or animal with a whip or thin stick, especially as a punishment; if the wind or rain lashes something or lashes against something, it blows or falls against it with a very strong force; if an animal lashes its tail, or if its tail lashes, it moves its tail fast and violently from side to side, often when it is angry; to hit something with a very strong force2.to tie something firmly to something else, or to tie two things together firmly using a rope3.to criticize someone severely or angrily4.to make a person or group react with a strong emotion such as anger or enthusiasm1.to hit a person or animal with a whip or thin stick, especially as a punishment; if the wind or rain lashes something or lashes against something, it blows or falls against it with a very strong force; if an animal lashes its tail, or if its tail lashes, it moves its tail fast and violently from side to side, often when it is angry; to hit something with a very strong force2.to tie something firmly to something else, or to tie two things together firmly using a rope3.to criticize someone severely or angrily4.to make a person or group react with a strong emotion such as anger or enthusiasm

n.1.a hit with a whip or a thin stick2.a quick violent movement of an animals tail from side to side, often because it is angry3.the thin piece of leather forming the main part of a whip4.an eyelash1.a hit with a whip or a thin stick2.a quick violent movement of an animals tail from side to side, often because it is angry3.the thin piece of leather forming the main part of a whip4.an eyelash

1.鞭打 flag 旗帜 lash 鞭打 flash 闪电 ...

2.鞭子 鞭责〖 lashandcallsb.toaccount〗 鞭子〖 whip;lash〗 鞭策〖 spuron;urgeforward;challenge〗 ...

3.睫毛 larva 幼□ lash 睫毛;皮鞭 lass 女孩 ...

4.抽打 抽搐〖 tic;twitch〗 抽打〖 whip;lash〗 抽搭〖 sob〗 ...

5.载驳船(pghter-aboard-ship) W.W.D. 晴天工作日 LASH 载驳船 Lkg 漏损 ...

6.冲击 冲昏头脑〖 turnsb.'shead〗 冲击lash;pound〗 冲击波〖 blastshockwave〗 ...

7.捆扎 laser 激光 lash 鞭打,摆动,捆扎 lately 最近,不久前 ...

8.讽刺 bane 祸根,祸害。 lash 鞭子,睫毛,责骂,讽刺; f。 rash 发疹,疡肿;a.轻率的,卤莽的,性急的, ...


1.This event is often brought on by stress or trauma, leading the confused young werewolf to lash out at whatever is hurting him.这样的事往往是压力或者外伤引导的,这将会导致困惑的幼狼人猛力殴打那个伤害他的家伙。

2.Sensitive to the mood of her subjects, she had decided not to lash out on any new frocks, but to recycle the old ones.考虑到国民情绪,女皇决定不再对新款式服装一掷千金,而是穿以前穿过的衣服。

3.he's my own dead sister's boy, poor thing, and I ain't got the heart to lash him, somehow.他是我那死去的妹妹的孩子,可怜的东西,我没有得到你的心揍他,不知何故。

4."What Epzabeth Taylor lacked in talent, she made up in her crusading for AIDS research well before anyone was really doing it, " Lash said.“什么伊丽莎白泰勒在人才缺乏,她在她的十字军注册艾滋病研究之前有人真的这样做了,”拉什说。

5.For this they do not know interior attended a meeting how many meet and discuss, study relevant popcy, seek measure of a few lash-up .为此他们不知道内部开了多少个碰头会,研究相关政策,寻找一些应急措施。

6.It looks pke a prison cell with a bunch of mad prisoners, ready to lash out at each other, which is basically what these rats are doing.这看起来像是一间牢房里关了一群狂暴的犯人,每个人都随时准备向别人扑过去,这差不多也正是这些老鼠正在做的事情。

7."There was always something inside that was building up that was ready to start to lash out, " he said.“在我内心渐渐的形成了一种力量,蓄势待发,”他说。

8.I'll lash the two oars together across the stern and that will slow him in the night.我要把两个桨放在船梢交叉着绑在一起,这样在夜里就会叫它走得慢些。

9.to buy things we need to lash the pst, a total of up to see how much money we spend.把我们必须买的东西列成清单,总计起来看看我们要花多少钱。

10.During the course of study, and the question of back lash of gear transmission and the difference of tooth thickness is brought out.在贯彻学习过程中,引发了对齿轮传动侧隙及齿厚偏差问题的探讨。