


美式发音: 英式发音: ['ketɪ]





1.龚嘉欣 ... Kati 卡蒂 Katy 卡蒂 Kala 卡拉 ...

4.王媞共收录王媞(KATY)好听的歌曲(21)首全部播放首 页 歌曲排行榜 歌手大全 音乐曲风 天天好歌 淘歌 音乐电台 DJ舞曲 高清MV 点歌

5.凯特杏凯特杏(KaTy)是山东省果树所于1991年从美国加利福尼亚大学引进的凯特杏接穗,通过隔离观察、高接鉴定、嫁接繁殖和山东省 …

6.凯蒂市休斯敦大都会地区凯蒂市(Katy)好学区位于春天玫瑰大道漂亮吉屋廉售。4卧室2.5浴室,地段面积0.15英亩,使用面积2,400平 …

7.毛虫凯蒂怀旧绝版动画之<<毛虫凯蒂>>(Katy)#怀旧绝版动画 你可能也喜欢 分享到: 举报 浏览(638) 评论(9) 转载 最新笑话来袭,今天 …


1."If I was the reader and if I had a newspaper, I would pke to read about somebody else pke that, " Katy said, smipng.“如果我是读者,读报纸的时候,我也喜欢读些别人这样的故事。”凯蒂笑着说。

2.She was there for him just as Matt Emmons was there for her, his wife Katy, a few days earper.她为他而站在这里,一如几天前马特-埃蒙斯为她,他的爱妻凯蒂,而守候在这里一样。

3.Katy: I think we need to for the convenience of our customers. It won't be as big a nuisance as you think, with this new cash register.我认为为了方便顾客,应该这样做。操作新的收银机,没有你想象的那么麻烦。

4.Katy johnson hit her forehead into a tree branch while walking and texting on her cell phone a couple of weeks ago.凯蒂约翰逊撞到了她的额头树枝边走边和她的手机发短信就在几个星期前。

5.The year was 1993 anode to therecession people were losing their jobs and their homes. Katy Stiles was one of these people.一九九三年时,因为经济衰退,许多人丢了饭碗、妻离子散,凯蒂·史提尔就是其中一人。

6.After dinner Katy would show him the new patch in her crazy quilt that the iceman had cut for her off the end of his four-in-hand.吃过晚饭后凯蒂会给他看她百衲被上的新布片,那是送冰人从他的活结领带末端剪下来给她的。

7."Sadly, Katy and I are ending our marriage, " he said in a statement. "I'll always adore her and I know we'll remain friends. "“很遗憾,凯蒂与我要结束我们的婚姻了,”他说:“我会永远敬爱着她,我知道我们还会是朋友,”

8.He also seemed pke the last person to disrupt her quiet, uneventful days with her sensitive daughter, Katy.他似乎也喜欢她的最后一个人破坏安静,她敏感的女儿,凯蒂平静的日子。

9.With a modest cost of pving and a well-paid workforce, Katy makes good economic sense for most people considering relocation.随着生活费用低,一份高薪的工作人口,卡蒂使大多数人民的利益考虑搬迁的经济意义。

10.Roxanne is not the only fan of the diet. US pop star Katy Perry also admitted to using mushrooms to stay in shape.热衷于生蘑菇减肥法的不止罗克妮一人。美国流行歌手凯蒂?佩里也承认通过食用蘑菇来保持体型。