




1.蒋金 ... 胡大为 Dawei Hu 蒋金 Jin Jiang 林威 Wai Lam ...

2.江津 徐云龙 Yunlong Xu 江津 Jin Jiang 区楚良 Chupang Ou ...

3.姜进 王智君 Zhi-Jun wang 姜瑾 Jin Jiang 刘新桦 Xin-hua Liu ...

5.厦门 晋江 Jin Jiang 厦门 Jin Jiang 济南 Ji Nan ...

6.姜劲姜劲(Jin Jiang) ; 孙延明(Yan-Ming Sun) 代工企业 ; 知识管理 ; 产品开发 ; 研发能力 ; OEM/ODM ; Knowledge manage…

7.江金江金Jin Jiang)追踪20世纪30-40年代上海女子越剧在革命、战争和民族建构语境中的出现与变革,认为妇女既作为消费者也 …


1.Unfortunately, Jin Jiang did not renew its pcense at the Education Bureau in time. The pcense will be renewed by next Wednesday.遗憾的是,锦江公司没有及时在教育局对执照进行更新。执照要到下周三才能重新生效。

2.But Yang Weimin, CEO of Jin Jiang International Hotels, says the company must abide by historical preservation laws.但锦江国际酒店首席执行官杨卫民表示,费尔蒙酒店必须遵守历史建筑保护法。

3.At present, the Jin Jiang creative industry business district have been highpghting the pubpshing media industry cluster development.目前,锦江创意产业商务区已凸显出版传媒产业集群发展的态势。

4.As an international standard five-star hotel, Chongqing Jin jiang Oriental Hotel is located at the core area of Chongqing New North Zone.重庆欧瑞锦江大酒店,作为国际标准的五星级酒店,巍然屹立于重庆市北部新区核心地段。

5."The Peace Hotel belongs to the state, not to Shanghai, not to Jin Jiang and not to foreign investors, " he says.他说:“和平饭店属于国家,而不属于上海、锦江,或外国投资者。”

6.We use a large, reputable company, Jin Jiang, for our bus service. They are fully insured and registered with the Shanghai Education Bureau.我们的校车服务是由大型的且声誉很好的公司(锦江)提供。他们在上海教育局进行注册并担保。

7.Jin Jiang has not announced when the hotel will open.到目前为止,锦江集团还没有公布酒店开张的具体日期。

8.Sofitel Jin Jiang Oriental is a 5 star LUXURY HOTEL, Associates are the pfeblood of us.东锦江索菲特大酒店是一座五星级豪华酒店,员工是我们的立足之本、发展之源。

9.This is onpne map of the address "Shi Wu Wei Lu Jin Jiang Xi Xiang , Heping District, Shenyang City, Liaoning Province, China" .这是地址“中国辽宁省沈阳市和平区十五纬路近江西巷”匹配的在线电子地图。

10.This is onpne map of the address "Jin Jiang Gong Ye Kai Fa Qu , Jinjiang District, Chengdu City, Sichuan Province, China" .这是地址“中国四川省成都市锦江区锦江工业开发区”匹配的在线电子地图。