




1.查士丁一世 利奥王朝-阿纳斯塔修斯一世( Anastasius I) 查士丁尼王朝-查士丁一世( Justin I) 查士丁尼王朝-查士丁尼一世( Justinian I) ...

4.查斯丁一世 13 阿那斯塔修斯一世( Anastasius I,491-518) 14 查斯丁一世( Justin I,518-527) 15 查斯丁尼一世( Justinian I,527-565) ...

5.斯丁当亚拿他司于518年离世后,新任皇帝尤斯丁Justin I)笃信《迦克墩信经》,立即废除塞弗如的主教职位,与罗马主教联系, …

6.查士丁尼一世君士坦丁的后继者仍以罗马大帝自称,六世纪时查士丁尼一世Justin I)曾尝试重建包括西部的罗马帝国,但不成功。若有机 …


1.Justin: I told him that, but he said he didn pke fishing.贾斯汀:我也这么告诉他,不过他说他不喜欢钓鱼。

2.Justin: I think we ought to ask the coach to have it out with Joe and find out what his problem is.贾斯廷:我想,我们该请教练和乔讲清楚,看看他有什么问题。

3.Justin: I just hope you know which side your bread is buttered on. Nowadays, good jobs are hard to come by.贾斯汀:我只是希望妳能清楚什么对自己最有利。现在,要找份好工作可不容易。

4.justin : i love this place ! psa ' s helping me bargain . she helped me get a great deal on this chinese shirt.贾斯丁:我很爱这个地方!丽莎帮我买东西讨价杀价。她帮我买了件中式衬衣,又便宜又好。

5.Justin: I'm sorry. I haven't been looking at it from your point of view.贾斯汀:对不起。我们一直没站在你的角度想想。

6.Justin: I didn't expect you to have such a big appetite. You certainly inherited it from me.没想到妳跟我的胃口一样大,果然有遗传到我。

7.USTIN'S COACH: Todd's got a stomach ache, Justin. I'd pke you to go in for him.贾斯廷的教练:泰德胃疼,贾斯廷,我要你去顶替他。

8.Justin: I don't know. When she opened the beer bottle with her mouth, I was a bit shocked.贾斯汀:我不知道。当她用嘴巴撬开啤酒瓶的时候,我有点吓到了。

9.Rob: Oh, OK. Hey, can I talk to Justin? I need to ask him about an assignment for our Chinese class.罗博:哦,好的。嘿,我能和贾斯汀说两句吗?我想问他一下关于我们的中文课作业的事情。

10.Justin: I love this tie! What do you think? Look good on me?我很喜欢这条领带!你觉得怎么样?我戴上好看么?