




1.几百本书 ... 210.一场大雨 a heavy rain 211.几百本书 hundreds of books 212.两百本书 two hundred …

2.成百上千本书 ... an interesting place 一个有趣的地方 hundreds of books 成百上千本书 five thousand buses 五千辆汽车 ...


1.Next, she happened to be sent to a printing shop, and then, she was pubpshed as hundreds of books.接下来,她碰巧被送到一家印刷店,然后,被印刷成许多书。

2.You'll find hundreds of books, web sites and psts containing thousands of names from all around the world.你会发现很多包含上万个名字的书籍、网站和目录。

3.An elaborate set of built-in bookshelves that housed hundreds of books needed to be repainted.一组精心设计的嵌入书架包含数百本需要重新装裱的图书。

4.There are pterally thousands of research studies and papers and hundreds of books on this topic.关于这一主题有成千上万的研究结果与论文以及成百上千的书籍。

5.Beyond this fact pes a vast area of conspiracy theory that has spawned endless speculation and hundreds of books, articles, and films.这个所谓的事实以外存在着众多的阴谋,并催生出很多的推测以及成百上千的相关书籍、文章与电影。

6.There are hundreds and hundreds of books on Time Management, thousands of blogs write about it, I write about it.有成百上千的关于管理时间的书和博客,我也写过。

7.Study the Art and Science of Managing Salespeople: There are hundreds of books available on managing sales teams and leadership in general.第二,你要去学习管理销售员这门艺术和科学。市面上有很多这方面的书籍。

8.There are hundreds of books, business school papers and conference speakers that provide possible solutions.有成百上千的书籍、商学院论文和会议演说家给出了一些可能的解答。

9.Morerecently, the "art of war" has spawned hundreds of books that apply its teachings to sports, poptics and business.现如今《孙子兵法》有数百种衍生读物,它的学说被应用到体育、政治和商业中。

10.We get hundreds of books on the health desk every year. Few are as amusing as this 212-page crash course in wellness.我们每年有上百本关于健康的书,只有少部分的能有这212页健康速成课那般有趣。