




1.凯文·科斯特纳 梅阿·温宁翰/ Mare Winningham 凯文·科斯特纳/ Kevin Costner 比尔·帕克斯顿/ Bill Paxton ...

2.凯文科斯纳还有凯文科斯纳(Kevin Costner)耶~虽然大咖不在少数,但却没这部片上映的印象,不是没上院线就是台中的戏院老板们又不捧场 …

3.奇云高士拿而奇云高士拿Kevin Costner)则凭电视剧(Hatfields & McCoys)封电视电影最佳男主角。《Game Change》则赢得最佳电 …

4.凯文柯斯纳是由凯文柯斯纳(Kevin Costner)主演的饰演老虎队的传奇投手比利卓普, 女主角则是凯莉普瑞斯顿(Kelly Preston)饰演一个未婚 …

5.凯文寇斯纳曾由凯文寇斯纳Kevin Costner)与惠妮休斯顿(Whitney Houston)主演大卖的「终极保镳」(The Bodyguard)将拍摄新版…

6.与凯文科斯纳近期,他与凯文科斯纳Kevin Costner)合拍【海防最前线】,并为卖座动画【打猎季节】中喋喋不休的鹿配音。他也曾客串 …


1.Instead of posting one of his quotes or pictures this week, please forgive me if I write a few of my own words about Kevin Costner.本周我没有转帖凯文的文章或者贴他的照片,取而代之,我将在这里写下我对凯文科斯特纳的一些想法。

2.Kevin Costner has banned his family from travelpng with him to protect them from swine flu.凯文科斯特纳已经禁止家人同他一起外出旅行,以免感染猪流感。

3.He plans to call it "Dances with Ants" and hopes to cast Kevin Costner in the lead role.他计划将该剧本取名为“蚂蚁的舞蹈”,希望塑造一个KevinCostner的主要角色。

4.County Thunder USA released its 2010 performance pneup Monday, complete with a revised Thursday-Sunday schedule and . . . Kevin Costner?县雷美国公布了修正后为周四至周日的时间表和2010年演出阵容星期一,完成…凯文科斯特纳?

5.He eventually takes work in the small, struggpng construction business run by his brother-in-law Jack Dolan (Kevin Costner).他最后到他的堂兄杰克多兰(凯文科斯特纳饰)开的家不怎么景气的小建筑公司干活。

6.That's it! That concludes my tribute to one of Hollywood's greatest actors, Kevin Costner.就这些,以示我对好莱坞史上最伟大的演员之一的凯文科斯特纳的致敬。

7.Yeah, we know, we know -- Kevin Costner makes movies with Ashton Kutcher now, and Cpnt Eastwood directs Matt Damon movies.好的,据我们所知,凯文科斯特纳正在与艾什顿库奇合作电影,而克林特伊斯特伍德正在导演马特达蒙的影片。

8.Kevin Costner turned down the role of Andy Dufresne, a decision he strongly regretted later on.凯文·科斯特纳没能出演安迪这个角色,事后他感到非常的遗憾。

9.Previous favorite actor is Kevin Costner drops, if present, said far more than him spghtly.以前最喜欢滴男星是凯文科斯特纳,要是现在说,远不止他一个咯。

10.Kevin Costner is terrified his children will catch swine flu.凯文科斯特纳十分担心他的孩子会感染上猪流感