


英文单词:亚庇(Kota Kinabalu);张国强;音标体系(Kenyon and Knott)


1.亚庇(Kota Kinabalu)到亚庇KK)很近,40分钟航程吧,KK是沙巴的首府,沙巴是半自治州,所以出入沙巴,需要过一个很简单的类似的海关(Im…

2.张国强张国强遭朱璇色诱艺人张国强KK)昨日在清水湾为保健产品「衍生至尊感冒止咳冲剂」拍摄电视广告,一身李小龙打扮的KK …

3.音标体系(Kenyon and Knott)KKKenyon and Knott)是《美式英语发音辞典》(A Pronouncing Dictionary of American English)的俗称。此本辞典在194…

4.亚庇市如果是亚庇市(KK)的.可以去看攻略.先前我有留两家供参考. 帖子: 45 感谢: 2次/2帖 注册日期: 2005-07-08 帖子: 8 感谢: 2次/1帖

5.赖国强同时,华南地区总裁赖国强KK)先生、大深圳地区董事总经理李耀智(Andy)先生、香港中原马沙区董事麦成辉先生及同事 …


1.KK: I tried to think of names which would be both easy for the audience to remember and reflective of the character's personalities.答:我在想名字的时候总是找观众好记的,适合角色性格的。

2.The British Bravissimo lingerie chain carries bras up to cup size KK.BritishBravissimo内衣连锁店甚至有KK罩杯的文胸。

3.The company's parent company is one of Japan's largest oil companies, Showa Shell Sekiyu KK.SolarFrontierKK的母公司是日本最大的石油企业之一日本昭和壳牌石油(ShowaShellSekiyuKK)。

4.KK: Being of Indian origin, I have always been intrigued why the Taj Mahal has particularly mesmerized millions across the globe.克鲁舍:作为一个印度人,我一直想知道为什么泰姬陵能令全世界数以百万的人如此地着迷。

5.The Single Axis Robot KK is a slider actuated by a motor-driven ballscrew and guided by a linear guideway with a U-shaped rail.在单轴机器人KK是由电动机驱动滑块驱动滚珠丝杠和带有U形轨道的线性导轨指导。

6.The taller volcanoes have dryer leeward sides as well, but even the leeward side can get soaked in a KK storm.火山的身高有机背方和,但即使是背风面可以买到株式会社风暴湿透。

7.KK: As you may have gathered, we speak French, English, Polish, and German.答:你应该已经感受到了,我们说法文、波兰文、德文。

8.For the record, I tried my best in every game for Newcastle. Under KK I played well and i'll never forget the 2 I scored against Sunderland.在纽卡期间,每一场比赛我都尽了我最大的努力。我永远不会忘记,在对阵桑德兰时我踢进的2个球。

9.The planar K-type and multiplanar KK-type joints are very commonly used in the directly welded circular hollow section (CHS) structures.平面K型和空间KK型节点是直接焊接圆钢管结构中普遍使用的一种节点形式。

10.KK: Immediate stoppage to removal, replacement or dumping of stones from the memorial's complex is of utmost importance.克鲁舍:最要紧的是立即停止移动、替换或丢弃陵墓原有的石材。