


美式发音: 英式发音: 


英文单词:精英;精英电脑(Elitegroup Computer Systems);电气控制系统(Electrical Control System)



abbr.1.European Communications Satellite

1.精英 DFI 友通 ECS 精英 Foxconn 富士康 ...

2.精英电脑(Elitegroup Computer Systems)ng,Ph.D. Dissertation:An East China Sea (ECS) Model with Multi-Sensor Satellite Data Driving and Assimilation and Studie...


1.ECS accepts names for added elements -- a concept similar to that of a key in java. util. Hashtable.ECS接受添加元素的名字——这个概念类似于java.util.Hashtable中的键。

2.As you'll see, ECS wisely does all this for you.如您所见,ECS聪明地为您做所有这些事情。

3.eComStation (eCS) was released just this year, and includes all the newest patches to the "Warp core" and a bunch of extra tools.eComStation(eCS)只是今年才发行的,它包括“Warp核心”的所有最新补丁和大量额外工具。

4.Three wheel environmental control system (ECS) with the high pressure water separation is widely used in foreign commercial aircraft.针对国外商用飞机基本上采用三轮高压除水环控系统,为此对该系统建立优化数学模型。

5.ECS provides you with a more manageable technique for generating markup code using Java objects.ECS提供了用Java对象生成标记语言的更易管理的技术。

6.Such a database could use ECS to extend the types of markups it could generate for data.这种数据库可以用ECS增加能够生成的数据标记类型。

7.The primary purpose of this position is to identify, develop and win profitable new business opportunities for ECS China.该职位的主要职责是为ALSTOM中国环保部确定,开发并取得新的能赢利的业务机会。

8.The calculation of transient heating load is fundamental to the design of the environmental control system (ECS) for avionics pods.瞬态热载荷的分析与计算是合理设计电子设备吊舱环境控制系统的基础。

9.ECS is a set of classes that can be used to generate documents written in HTML, XML, VoiceXML, and other markup languages.ECS是一组类,它们可用于生成以HTML、XML、VioceXML和其他标记语言编写的文档。

10.As you can see, ECS can come in handy in any situation in which you need to programmatically generate markup.如您所见,ECS在任何需要以编程方式生成标记的场合非常有用。