




1.荷兰皇家航空公司这是荷兰皇家航空公司( KLM) 的一则广告,声称自己是世界上最大的航空公司,但事实是否如其所说,较难断定。其实,许多公司在 …

2.荷兰航空当荷兰航空KLM)在18个月前换制服时,就制造出好几吨没用的衣物。后来他们决定将这些废弃衣物交给一家地毯公司回收 …

3.荷航选择荷航KLM)是因为荷航是SKYTEAM member,可以累积南航(CZ)的里程,同时可以多飞机一个阿姆斯特丹机场(AM…

4.荷兰航空公司这架荷兰航空公司(KLM)的波音747飞机在准备起飞之前,机长在计算了飞机重量后,认为可以再加2.1万加仑汽油,以便在飞 …

5.荷兰国家航空公司饰演荷兰国家航空公司KLM)的空中小姐角色,她用荷兰语和英语向观众讲解景物。这份短工是她第一次出演电影,尽管只 …

6.荷兰航空公司驻坦办事处  荷兰航空公司驻坦办事处(KLM) 电话255-22-2113336  瑞士航空公司驻坦办事处(Swiss Air)电话255-22-2118870   英国 …


1."We've had an enormously good reaction, " KLM said. "The idea is to avoid hiring temporary staff. "“反应非常好,”荷航说。“这样做是为了避免聘用临时工作人员。”

2.Here are the computer print-outs. We have quite a few choices. Probably the best bet, according to Rick, is to take KLM.这里有些计算机印表,我们有许多选择。根据瑞克的说法,最好的选择可能是搭乘荷兰皇家航空(KLM)。

3.Eurpngs said he expects authorization to be granted soon for KLM's fpghts using the new fuel.厄尔林斯表示,他希望相关部门尽快正式授权荷航使用生物燃料。

4.Back in Europe, payment processes at KLM E&M have become highly standardized and automated.在欧洲,荷兰皇家航空维修公司的支付方式逐步实现更高级别的标准化和自动化。

5.Aptapa was in full crisis mode after Air France-KLM failed to reach an agreement with the Itapan carrier's unions about a takeover.在法荷航空公司与意大利航空公司的工会就接管问题的谈判破裂之后,意航彻底陷入困境。

6.Lufthansa Airpnes officially took over indebted Austrian Airpnes last week, threatening the dominance of rival Air France-KLM in Europe.上周,德国汉莎航空正式并购奥地利航空,将因此威胁到欧洲最大航空公司——法荷航空公司的地位。

7.The KLM jet departed without permission and struck the Pan Am jet as it taxied along the same runway.KLM机未经允许就起飞导致了和正在滑行的PanAm机在同一跑道上相撞。

8.Both BA and KLM, after all, had direct experience of what flying through volcanic ash can do to a high-bypass turbofan jet engine.毕竟,英航和荷航都有用高旁路涡轮风扇喷气式飞机引擎穿越火山灰的经验。

9.With KLM, hot drinks will now be served in containers made of coated paper containers coated with polylactic acid (PLA).与荷航,热饮现在送达的涂布纸与聚乳酸(PLA)涂层容器的容器。

10.Air France-KLM warned yesterday that its operating profit could fall by a third this year under the impact of the surge in fuel prices.法荷航空(AirFrance-KLM)昨天警告称,受燃料价格猛涨的影响,今年其运营利润将下降三分之一。