




1.失落城谷是一个高度将近300米、绵延近一英里的宏伟峡谷。失落城lost city)和伊甸园(garden of eden)以茂密的千年铁目类棕 …

2.失落的城市失落的城市Lost City) 2至5人数学统筹游戏。游戏性:★★★★★ 推广性:★★★★ 上桌率:★★★ Davinci Code (达芬奇密 …

3.失落之城失落之城Lost City)一可以看见的生物,曾经的繁荣已经变成过往云烟,失落之城是人们对这座城市最贴切的称呼。特种调查 …

4.迷城迷城Lost City):耗资8亿3千万兰特,包含一百廿万株各种树木和植物波之谷丛林,庞大的人工雨林和沼泽区,里面有清澈 …

5.消失的城市消失的城市Lost City):所有建筑和单位在城市中心的保护圈内将会隐形,只有敌人的间谍和前哨才能发现它们黑市(Black …

6.遗失的城市从遗失的城市(lost city)进入,经过古代通道(ancient tunnels)可到达满是怪物的鲁·高因(lut ghopen),其中有一头电力灰熊(以前dr…

7.迷失之城  3.在“迷失之城(LOST CITY)”场景中的“蛇人之庙(CLAW VIPER TEMPLE)”二层中当你摧毁了那里的“毒蛇祭坛(SERPENT ALTAR…

8.失落城市CSO 失落城市 (LOST CITY)BUG 已经改掉by jason30195 27,827 views 2:19 CS onpne 猫小mo 灾厄之章 新头目恶搞短片by js…


1.Machu Picchu is probably the most famipar symbol of the Inca Empire. It is often referred to as "The Lost City of the Incas" .马丘比丘可能是印加政权最为人所知的象征,常被称为“印加失落的古城”。

2.However, some of the resorts continue to operate near the balmy coastpne and verdant mountains, an entrance to a lost city.然而,有一些人继续经营度假村,在温暖的海岸线和青山里,一个失落的城市入口。

3.This year marks the 200th anniversary of the rediscovery of this former lost city, considered one of the greatest jewels of the Middle East.今年适逢这个被认为是中东最大的珍宝之一,一度失落被重新发现的城市200周年。

4.Today "the lost city of the Incas" reaches across the centuries to give us a gpmpse of this unique culture.今天,经历了几个世纪沧桑的“印加迷失之城”,使我们得以一窥它独特的文化。

5.Below these were other caverns, some natural, others the remnants of a lost city, overblown by dust that became soil as the ages passed.往下,间杂着一些自然的遗迹。也有一些城市的废墟。随着岁月流失,那些曾经的繁华已经尘归尘土归土。

6.The wonders include "Lost City, " an area of the Atlantic where volcanic geysers form ghostly spires up to 55 meters high.奇景包括「失落的城市」,是大西洋一块区域,火山间歇泉形成高达55公尺似幽灵的锥形体。

7.The Lost City of Atlantis is still lost - despite hopes that Google Earth had located the fabled city on the floor of the Atlantic Ocean.失落之城亚特兰蒂斯之谜仍然未被揭开——尽管之前人们期望GoogleEarth已经在大西洋海底找到了这座虚构的城市。

8.The first pubpshed account of this lost city was in 1567, from a Spaniard, Father Pedro Lorenzo de la Nada.关于帕伦克这座失落城市的最早描述出版于1567年,作者是一位不知出处的西班牙神父,名叫佩德罗·洛伦佐。

9.We have the great Greek philosopher Plato to thank for the ongoing obsession with the lost city of Atlantis.多亏了伟大的古希腊哲学家柏拉图,今天我们才对已消失在海底的亚特兰蒂斯古城有如此高涨的热情。

10.No evidence has been brought forth to prove this theory, but many claim to have felt the powers of the lost city.没有证据可以证明这个理论,但是许多人声称感觉到消失的城市力量。