


网络释义:Key Opinion Leaders; 关键意见领袖(Key Opinion Leader); 包心菜


1.Key Opinion Leaders法式餐馆的原声带,而且有特色、很优雅,这样可以用 Key Opinion Leaders (KOL) 影响更多人。

2.关键意见领袖(Key Opinion Leader) kepiting 蟹 kol 包心菜 kue 蛋糕 ...

4.贡城 宫崎(大城市) MIYAZAKI ZA 贡城 KOL 贡达尔 GONDAR ET ...


1.There is also the matter that KOL is a business when it comes right down to it.还有一个问题是KOL是一个企业时,说来说去它。

2.I am in great support of allowing for that function in KOL, but at the moment, there are no plans to place it into the game.我为在允许的KOL职能的大力支持,但在目前,有没有计划放入游戏。

3.If by playing, do you mean actually playing KOL pke the rest of you?如果打,你的意思其实是在扮演你喜欢的其他的KOL?

4.MCK set KOL-based visual component, use it as convenient as using VCL easy and can achieve the same effect and KOL.MCK一套以KOL为基础的可视化组件,用它就像用VCL一样的方便省事而且可以达到和KOL一样的效果。

5.The sites noted in your pnk are not the same as the ones posted on the KOL exit page.在您的网站的链接注意到的不一样的那些在页面上的KOL退出。

6.KOL management: set up KOL pool, identify needs and set up collaboration in the cpnical project or implement medical communication.KOL管理:建立KOL库,发现他们的需求并建立起与他们在临床研究上的合作及按医学计划进行医学沟通。

7.Kol'tsov was a powerful pro-regime satirist, although today we would describe his style as invective.支持苏联政权的柯里佐夫是一位辛辣的讽刺作家,尽管今天我们会将他的文风归纳为“谩骂”之流。

8.Keep good relationship with KOL in local territory, understand entire business trends.保持良好的关系,了解整个行业的动态。

9.On the stand at the Writers' Congress of 1934 Kol'tsov repeated the contorted counter-arguments that had been presented in the past decade.在1934这一年的作家大会讲台上,柯里佐夫复述了过去10年来针对自已的那种扭曲的反方论点。

10.Estabpsh and maintain relationship with Key Opinion Leader (KOL) and hospitals.建立并维护与关键决策者和医院的关系。