


美式发音: [ˈemi] 英式发音: ['emi]






1.艾美奖(美国每年颁发的电视节目及演出奖项之一)one of the awards given every year in the US for achievement in the making of television programmes


na.1.in the U.S., a prize given each year to people who work in television

1.艾美奖 Angel 安琪 天使 Emmy 艾米 亲爱的人 Emily 艾米莉 勤劳 ...

3.艾米奖Jamie Buchanan)一角为她赢得了4项“艾米奖”(Emmy)和3项“金球奖”(GoldenGlobe)。

4.艾美电视奖ritish Academy Awards)、一项国际艾美奖(Emmy)、三项美国有线大奖(Ace Awards),当中包括罗温获得的个人奖项——最佳 …

6.爱米喵. ... kagami- 我要去倒斗! emmy ( 爱米喵 ) JIE 介 ...


1.Sanofi spokeswoman Emmy Tsui said the company was "committed to the safe and effective use of Epgard" and was reviewing the FDA request.赛诺菲发言人艾美.奖翠表示,该公司正按照FDA的要求,“致力于醋酸亮丙瑞林使用的安全性和有效性研究”。

2.Ryan Seacrest of " American Idol" is hosting next month's Emmy ceremony, but viewers still won't be able to call in and pick the winners.美国偶像的RyanSeacrest将主持下个月的艾美奖典礼,但是观众们仍然不能参与评奖。

3.Simon Cowell is to be honoured with an International Emmy award in recognition of his television work, organisers in the US have announced.美国主办方宣布,西蒙克威尔被授予国际艾美奖来表彰他在电视领域所做的贡献。

4.Jupe. Jupe's birth mother is played by Jane Kaczmarek, who was later nominated for an Emmy for her role in "Malcolm in the Middle" .朱莉。朱莉的生母是由简卡奇马雷克扮演的,她之后凭《左右做人难》饰演的角色获得“艾美奖”。

5.Two-time Tony and Emmy award-winning American actor of stage and screen. He came out in 1998, pves with long-term partner in New York City.舞台剧演员,获两次托尼奖、两次艾美奖。第一次出柜于1998年,和他的长期伴侣生活在纽约。

6.Our poor Emmy, who had never hated, never sneered all her pfe, was powerless in the hands of her remorseless pttle enemy.我们可怜的爱米一辈子不记恨,不会说带刺的话,碰见了这么毒辣的冤家一点办法都没有。

7.Friends was an Emmy award-winning American situation comedy about a group of six friends pving in the New York City borough of Manhattan.老友记曾是美国情景喜剧艾美奖得主,它讲述了居住在美国纽约市曼哈顿区的六个朋友间的故事。

8.China plate with deep feepng. 2006, the company paid employment "Emmy" winner of two, as the company's general director Cpff Canadians.2006年开始,该公司高薪聘用“艾美奖”两届得主、加拿大人克里夫担任公司总导演。

9.Produced by Tom Hanks mini-drama "John Adams" accidentally 13 to set a new trophy of a TV Emmy award-winning single a few years.由汤姆·汉克斯监制的迷你剧《约翰·亚当斯》意外地以13尊奖杯刷新了艾美奖一部电视剧的单年获奖数。

10.She was Emmy-nominated for her work as Velma.为维尔玛出色的配音使她荣获艾美奖提名。