


英文单词:Kai's Power Tools; 港利通; 韩国语能力测试


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1.'Everybody's chasing Knauf, ' Mr. Levine said. 'We'd sure like the drywall manufacturer to help out. '莱文说,每个人都追着KPT解决此事,我们当然愿意石膏板生产商能帮我们解决困难。

2.The company has established reasonable repair costs, Mr. Miller said, and 'wants to get this behind them and move forward. '米勒说,KPT公司已经制定了合理的维修成本,希望能解决这些问题并摆脱其影响。

3.The Kpt benchmark analysis shows that the completions are among the best in class.Kpt基准分析证明,这些完井属于同类井中最佳之列。

4.KPT declined to comment on that or to disclose which builders it is talking to.KPT公司拒绝置评,并拒绝透露正与哪家建筑商进行磋商。

5.Productivity was measured using perforation tunnel permeability (Kpt) analysis.运用射孔孔道渗透率(Kpt)分析法来计算产能。

6.The Kpt values were analyzed over the course of production and compared to similar type completions.分析了整个生产过程中的Kpt值,并与类似的完井作了比较。

7.A Florida newspaper reported that home builder Lee Wetherington received a settlement letter from KPT and described the offer as low.佛罗里达州的一家报纸报道称,住宅建造商LeeWetherington公司收到了KPT公司的结算函,并称报价较低。

8.That panel was asked to develop a 'pilot remediation' approach paid for by KPT, builders, suppliers and insurers.该委员会被要求制定出一种由可耐福天津公司、建筑商、供应商和保险公司共同支付的试验性补偿方案。

9.Mr. Glickstein said KPT continues to negotiate with other parties and hopes to reach settlements soon.格利克斯坦说,可耐福将继续与其他各方协商,并希望很快达成和解。

10.KPT said it is too early to provide an estimate.可耐福说,现在做出估计还为时过早。