


美式发音: 英式发音: 


英文单词:胸苷激酶(thymidine kinase);托克劳群岛(Tokelau);地精修补匠(Tinker)




1.胸苷激酶(thymidine kinase) .tj 塔吉克斯坦 .tk 托克劳群岛 .tm 土库曼斯坦 ...

3.地精修补匠(Tinker) 兽王 bm 地精修补匠 Tk 幽鬼 ug/Spec ...

4.酪氨酸激酶(tyrosine kinase)杂交瘤技术的基本原理 共被7位作者编辑10次,最 …

6.胸腺嘧啶激酶目前常用的胸腺嘧啶激酶TK)基因就是根据这一原理。单 纯疱疹病毒(HSV)的 TK 基因与哺乳动物细胞 TK 基因的生化性 …


1.At least, it would be, if Tk and Tkinter weren't so darn good that there's little reason for programmers to go looking for substitutes.至少可以这么认为,如果Tk和Tkinter不是这么糟糕,程序员就没有理由去寻找替代品了。

2.These usually have long and complicated web addresses, and Dot TK can make it a little easier for you and your homepage visitors.这些通常有长的和复杂的网住址,和TK能为你和你的首页访客使它更稍微比较容易的点。

3.You can register up to five existing email addresses to which your unique Dot TK address will be forwarded.你能登记达到五个你的独特点TK住址将会是转寄的已存在的电子邮件的演说。

4.Morocco, as in the case of other countries, particularly African countries, was very rich culturally and with regards to TK.摩洛哥与其他国家、特别是非洲国家一样,拥有非常丰富的文化和传统知识。

5.Start with man Tk (or perldoc Tk), for an overview and a comprehensive list of simple and complex widgets.输入manTk(或者perldocTk),就可以看到简单的和复杂的部件的概述和详细列表。

6.Bindings exist between GTK and a huge number of programming languages, more than either Qt, or even Tk.绑定存在于GTK和大量编程语言之间,而不仅仅是Qt,或甚至是Tk。

7.A national instrument on protection of TK and expressions of folklore had been drafted by the Uganda Law Reform Commission .乌干达法律改革委员会已经起草了一份关于保护传统知识和民间文学艺术表现形式的国家文件。

8.click on Login to My Dot TK - login with your email address and password and check the Ambassador Program section.点击登录到我的点十五分-登录与您的电子邮件地址和密码,并检查大使计划部分。

9.tk_description lvarchar A description about this task. A long description of the task created.tk_descriptionlvarchar关于任务的描述对所创建任务的详细描述

10.The number of hits, the number of unique hosts, country statistics and much more is available at no charge with the Dot TK Traffic-Check TM.点击数的数字,独特的主人数字,国家统计学而且更加多是可得的在和点TK交通-检查TM的没有费用。