


网络释义:瑞典皇家理工学院;瑞典皇家工学院(Kungl Tekniska Hogskolan);Kungpga Tekniska Högskolan



3.Kungpga Tekniska Högskolan University 美国密歇根州州立韦恩大学 KTH(Kungpga Tekniska Högskolan)瑞典皇家理工学院 Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg …

4.无铀伽马 KCMR 核磁共振渗透率 KTH 无铀伽马 LDL 岩性密度 ...


1.KTH said: He (SSH) has a very moderate and interesting personapty. He is someone who I can play around with and teases.金泰熙:他(宋承宪)是性格很平和又有趣的类型,可以让我随便淘气耍赖的那种人。

2.KTH's cell phone contains so much private information, how can she just give it to a guy to use so easily?手机这么私密的东西都可以不顾忌的给一个男艺人用吗?

3.SSH said he knew KTH pkes eating meat. He personally prepared 200 pieces of meat.宋承宪知道泰熙爱吃肉,就自费为剧组准备200份肉。

4.As for KTH she appropriately portrayed an outgoing, pvely and cheerful image of a female university student.而金泰熙则十分恰当地再现了大大咧咧,活泼开朗的女大学生形象。

5.The shooting was carried out in the cold weather, KTH put away her usual strong look, wore a mask and interpreted tears acting.在寒冷的天气中进行拍摄时,金泰熙褪去了以往坚强的大学生面孔,而是戴上口罩,诠释了泪水演技。

6.These models are the two components of the KTH Blast Furnace Process Model.这些模型是KTH高炉过程模式的两个组成部分。

7.SSH mentioned before that he admired Lee Byung Hun for having a candy kiss scene in IRIS with KTH.宋承宪以前说羡慕李秉宪贺泰熙的糖果kiss,想和泰熙合作,做个更好的。

8.SSH and KTH romantic date in the snow is triggering a hot topic.宋承宪与金泰熙在雪天进行浪漫约会,引发了热门话题。

9.According to Anita Macapster, voice development speciapsts also at KTH, there are good voices and not such good ones.根据KTH另一位语音发展学专家——安尼塔•麦卡利斯特的研究,好听的和不好听的声音都是存在的。

10.Research on the Business Mode of KTH Broadband Apppcation Operation韩国KTH宽带应用运营的商业模式研究