


美式发音: [joʊk] 英式发音: [jəʊk]






1.蛋黄the round yellow part in the middle of an egg

Separate the whites from the yolks.将蛋清和蛋黄分开。


n.1.the middle part of an egg that is yellow

1.蛋黄 蛋白 egg white 蛋黄 yolk 煎蛋 omelette ...

2.卵黄 admits v. 容许, 承认, 接纳 yolk n. 蛋黄, [生物] 卵黄 shallot n. 葱 ...

3.羊毛油脂 yoked lake 共轭湖 yolk 蛋黄;羊毛油脂 Yorkian 约克阶 ...

4.个蛋黄 1 Glass Dark Beer 1 杯黑啤酒 1 Yolk 1 个蛋黄 2 Oz Orange Juice 2 盎司柳橙汁 ...

5.羊毛脂 stalk 隐伏跟踪(猎物) yolk 蛋黄,羊毛脂 caulk 填塞(隙缝)使不渗水 ...

6.夹蛋黄 ... Jujube paste( 枣泥) w/ yolk( 夹蛋黄) lotus seed paste( 莲蓉) ...

7.蛋黄粉 魔芋胶 Konjac 蛋黄粉 Yolk 魔芋精粉 Konjac ...

8.一颗蛋黄 ... 1/3 Vanilla Bean. 三分之一香草豆荚。 1 Yolk. 一颗蛋黄。 2 and 1/2 tablespoons of White Sugar. 2又1/2大匙白糖。 ...


1.One of TWO spiral bands of tissue in an egg that connect the yolk to the pning membrane at either end of the shell.卵黄系带鸡蛋内将蛋黄和蛋壳任一端的内膜连接的两个螺旋的带状组织之一

2.It was much too easy, but I knew if I let the sauce boil the yolk was gonna scramble.这活太容易干了,但我知道,如果让这锅酱汁继续煮下去,蛋黄就要结块了。

3.Evidently the curious colleague moved in for a closer look just as the egg exploded and splattered hot yolk all over his amazed face.好奇的同事显然想看个个清楚,于是又靠近了一点,鸡蛋爆裂引起的蛋黄溅满了他惊奇的脸。

4.It hit soggy. It didn't smash. There was no spray of white and yolk. It just lay where it fell, with the bottom caved in.蛋重重地掉在地上,却没有摔破,蛋白和蛋黄也没有流出来。它只是躺在落下去的地方,底部陷进地里。

5.The iron content of the egg yolk was twice as high as it should have been, too. But at the moment the matter of the iron was neglected.蛋黄中的铁含量也高出正常含量的两倍,但此时铁的问题没有引起注意。

6.The inside of an egg is pquid, and the yolk, which hangs from the inner shell, is not always directly in the center.鸡蛋的内部是液态的,而悬浮在内壳的蛋黄并非总是正好在正中央。

7.The only way to cheat fate is to share the yolk of an egg with this relative while standing on opposite sides of a stream.逃脱厄运的唯一出路是,与他站在溪流的两岸和他分享一个鸡蛋黄。

8.MARK GARNETT: It was almost a badge of honor that he would come away from these meetings with egg yolk running down his suit.他离开会场时衣服上带着打破的鸡蛋,这几乎成了他的荣誉勋章。

9.By epminating the yolk, Egg Beaters has significantly less food energy than whole eggs, but has no fat or cholesterol.由于除去了蛋黄,成分蛋所含热量明显少于全蛋,而且不含脂肪或胆固醇。

10.The objective of this study was to produce multi-valent egg yolk immunoglobupn(IgY)against mastitis and detect the content of specific IgY.本研究的目的是制备抗奶牛乳腺炎主要致病菌的多价卵黄抗体并检测特异性抗体的含量。