




1.凯格尔运动的阴道外扩,一般女性不需要进行阴道紧缩术,而可透过骨盆腔括约肌运动Kegel exercises)来协助,通常于站立或坐姿时 …

7.凯格尔行动凯格尔行动(Kegel exercises),又称PC肌行动(会阴缩短行动)或骨盆底肌肉行动(pelvic floor muscle exercises),原来是一种为了医 …


1.Another test: You can try to stem the flow of the fluid by squeezing your pelvic muscles (Kegel exercises). If the flow stops, it's urine.另一个测试方法是:你可以尝试挤压你的骨盆肌肉来阻止液体的流出(凯格尔锻炼)。

2.If you're having trouble doing Kegel exercises, don't be embarrassed to ask for help.如果您在运动中遇到问题,千万不要不好意思寻求帮助。

3.These 4 Kegel exercises are easy to do anywhere, anytime.这四项凯格尔运动随时随地都可做。

4.K: Kegel Exercises: Pelvic floor exercises performed by women and men to increase muscle strength, control and improve orgasm.凯格尔训练(KegelExercises),一种骨盆底练习,男女皆宜,能有效提高性行为相关肌肉强度,以控制和增强性高潮。

5.Kegel exercises strengthen the pelvic floor muscles, which support the uterus, bladder and bowel.凯格尔运动能够强壮盆底的肌肉,更好地承托子宫、膀胱和肠道器官。

6.You could do kegel exercises regularly in order to strengthen the muscles that typically contract during orgasm.你可以定期做凯格尔运动(又称骨盆体操),这样能够强化在高潮期间显著收缩的肌肉。

7.Kegel exercises can strengthen the muscles of the pelvic floor.凯格尔训练可以锻炼增强骨盆底肌肉的力量。

8.Urinary tract problems, such as an overactive bladder, can be helped with Kegel exercises.尿路病症比如膀胱过动症可以通过凯格尔健肌运动得到改善。

9.Before you start doing Kegel exercises, find out how to locate the correct muscles and understand the proper technique.在进行运动之前,我们需要了解正确的盆底肌位置以及掌握一些必要的运动技巧。

10.Kegel exercises were first described by Dr Arnold Kegel, gynecologist in 1951.凯格尔运动是由一位名叫阿诺凯格尔的妇科医师首次在1951年所提出。