





2.奇安 Kyran 凯伦 Kian 奇安 Arslan 阿斯兰 ...

3.吉安 ... Khrystofer 克里斯多佛 Kian 吉安 Kiandra 羌德莉娅 ...

4.行 which: 底一+名词 家、( kiaN5) 出去、气( khi3) ...

5.基安 Chorus:All 齐唱 Kian: 基安 I couldn’t see it, 我看不见它 ...

6.基恩 Mark( 马克): Kian( 基恩): Shane( 谢恩): ...

7.薄安 爱薇的 QQ 薄安 kian ...

8.坚 pan 连 kian khian 乾 ...


1.Both Kian and I could have enjoyed comfortable pves as academics in the west, but instead we both decided to return to our roots.Kian和我作为学者,本可以在西方国家过着闲适的生活,可我们都选择了“落叶归根”。

2.While Rassam was ultimately released, Kian is still being detained in an unknown location.可拉萨姆最终已经获释,而Kian却至今仍然被秘密关押。

3.Kian Abouhossein, JPMorgan banking analyst, says: "Traditional credit will be a better place to be than investment banking" .摩根大通银行业分析师基安-阿布侯赛因(KianAbouhossein)表示:“相比于投行业务,从事传统信贷业务会更好。”

4.While Kian had the luxury of retreating westwards, he remained committed to his Iran.而完全可以退至西方的Kian,却选择了留守在他的伊朗。

5."Private equity and hedge funds could be winners, taking on more risk, " says Kian Abouhossein, banks analyst at JPMorgan.“私人股本和对冲基金可能是赢家,承担更多风险,”摩根大通(JPMorgan)银行业分析师基安•阿布侯赛因(KianAbouhossein)表示。

6.Kian wanted to return to his native Iran in order to contribute to its intellectual development.Kian回到自己的祖国伊朗,是想要为当地的知识发展做出贡献。

7.I saw Kian again in June 2009 when he visited my school, IE University in Madrid, to give a talk on Iran.我再见到Kian,是2009年6月他来我供职的马德里IE大学做有关伊朗的报告。

8.Like me, Kian is a globapsed nomad who engaged in reverse migration, moving from the west to the east.Kian和我,我们都是国际游民,只是我们从西向东迁移,这一点与其他人不同。

9.Nicky, Kian, Shane and Mark will continue to give Westpfe and their fans all their very best.然而尼基、奇恩、尚恩和马克等四人,依旧答应未来要持续给与歌迷,最好的演出表现。

10.My parents left Iraq in the late 1960s to move to the US around the same time Kian's family also made the move from Iran westwards.我父母在二十世纪60年代后期从伊拉克迁去美国,Kian全家也几乎在同一时期从伊朗向西迁移。