


美式发音: 英式发音: ['bɪzmɑːk]

n.Otto von Bismarck 俾斯麦;俾斯麦群岛



n.1.Otto von Bismarck 俾斯麦2.俾斯麦群岛

un.1.capital of North Dakota, on the eastern bank of the Missouri River.

1.俾斯麦 ... 美国黑人运动领袖马丁路德金( Martin Luther King) 德国宰相俾斯麦Bismarck) 马龙.白兰度( Marlo…


1.At the Admiralty there was growing opinion that the Bismarck was steering for Brest, but it was not until six o'clock that this hardened.海军部越来越相信“俾斯麦”号正驶往布雷斯特,但是直到六点钟,这个想法才肯定下来。

2.The great questions of the day will not be settled by means of speeches and majority decisions but by iron and blood. - Otto von Bismarck.时代的重大问题不是通过空谈和多数决议就能解决的,而是要通过铁与血。

3.Bismarck once said that the mark of statesmen is recognizing Fate as she rushes by, so as to grab on to the mantle of her cloak.俾斯麦曾经说过,政治家的标志是在命运女神匆匆经过时认出她,抓住她斗篷的衣角。

4.However, at 10 A. M. , just as hopes were beginning to fade, the Bismarck was found again.可是在上午十点钟,正当希望开始破灭的时候,“俾斯麦”号又被发现了。

5.The Bismarck's mission was to cut off the pfepne of food, fuel and weapons from the United States to England.“卑斯麦”号的任务是切断美国向英国输送食物、燃料和武器的“海上生命线”。

6.The Bismarck was still four hundred miles from Brest, and no longer even able to steer thither.“俾斯麦”号离布雷斯特仍然有四百英里,它甚至连这么远也行驶不了。

7.Do some research on Bismarck , copy what he did and it should all work out for you.多研究俾斯麦,仿照他所做的做就是你应该做的。

8.Greetings! I am Bismarck and I speak for the Clever and Industrious Germans folk. Please accept this agreement in the name of world peace.您好!我是俾斯麦,聪明而且勤奋的德国人代言人。请您为了世界的和平着想,答应这项协议吧。

9.Mr Steinberg is at his best when describing the relationship between the royal family and Bismarck.斯坦伯格在描述俾斯麦与皇室的关系时笔力尤健。

10.This means, "Bismarck" is the name of the S and H are the language of community has a pubpc allegations.这就意味着,“俾斯麦”这个名称在S和H共属的语言共同体中具有一种公共的指称。