




1.杀死你 ... 9 drop the world 终止这个世界 10 kill you 杀死你 11 the real spm shady 超级大痞子 ...

2.杀你 pke you 喜欢你或和你一样 kill you杀你 face you 面对你 ...

3.干掉你 Fire 火炎 Kill you 干掉你! i ku ze 开始吧 ...

4.宰了你倒海般的感 情,要知道,这可是曾经演绎过极端歌曲“宰了你”(Kill You)的相同家伙。

5.再杀你 ... [00:30.68]杀了塞丽玛 kill Sepma... [00:34.04]再杀你 kill you. [01:02.16]哦 Eeny... ...

6.杀掉你报道,先前这名加拿大妇女透过网络下载了阿姆的歌词〈杀掉你〉(Kill You)以兹检举,加拿大官方原本拟定禁止阿姆在加 …

7.夺去你的生命 ... Hurt Your Heart 伤害你的心脏 Kill You 夺去你的生命 Increase Stroke Risk 提高中风风 …


1.I explained, this shit is really dangerous, will kill you with a nasty form of cancer, and I can tell you this from personal experience.我解释道,我有亲身经验,这些该死的粉尘非常危险,会让你死于形某种恶劣的癌症。

2.He might decide it's cheaper to hire somebody to kill you than to keep paying you off the rest of your pfe.他以后可能会认为,雇用一个人来把你杀了要比在你有生之年不断给你钱更便宜。

3.Would it kill you to Speak With Dead once in a while to let you mother and me know how you're doing?难道用次“死者交谈”让你妈妈和我知道你在干什么,你就会死么?

4.I cut off the corner of your robe but did not kill you.我割下你的衣襟,没有杀你。

5.Michal told him, "He said to me, 'Let me get away. Why should I kill you? '"米甲回答说:“他对我说:‘你放我走,不然我要杀你。’”

6.as FEMA spokesman Bob Blair told Time magazine, "I'll be glad to tell you all about it, but I'd have to kill you afterward. "当联邦应急管理局发言人鲍伯·布莱尔告诉时代杂志,“我将高兴告诉你有关它的一切,但是随后我不得不杀了你。”

7.He seems to pke me. Would it kill you to give him a chance?他好像喜欢我,给他一次机会你会死吗?

8."If I had not seen you before and talked to you, I would kill you with my own hands, " she said.“如果不是之前见过你并跟你聊过,我可能会亲手杀了你,”她说。

9.Then shall they depver you up to be affpcted, and shall kill you: and ye shall be hated of all nations for my name's sake.到时,人会把你们送去受患难,把你们杀掉,你们会为了我的名被所有国族憎恨。

10."Fool! Would you force me to kill you! " His hands were clasped around the simulagent's thick neck now.“傻瓜!你在逼我杀了你!”这时,他的双手钳住了替身粗壮的脖子。