




1.金县金县king county)特殊教育部门将于3月16日及28日举办两场第六届“青少年过渡期就业咨询会”,提供许多就业服务和资源的 …

2.国王郡国王郡King County)卫生官员指出,死者名叫保罗(Allen J. Paul),他的心脏病是导致他死亡的主因。 温哥华的满族人: …

3.金郡金郡King county)及连外公车资讯:西雅图公车路线图、如何坐公车、坐公车多少钱、现在公车开到哪里了,当然这个年代…

4.华盛顿州金恩郡华盛顿州金恩郡(King County)检察官以汽车杀人罪、怠忽致危等罪名起诉徐义淳,将他收押在郡立监狱。去年12月,徐义淳向 …

5.国王县配合国王县(King County)的全县规划政策(countywide planning popcies),西雅图市的综合发展计划增加了「经济发展­」部门计 …

6.华盛顿州国王郡【美联社西雅图28日电】针对华盛顿州国王郡King County)31岁警察席恩(Paul Schene)去年11月在监狱囚室痛殴一名15 …


1.Only a handful of transit authorities now provide real-time bus location to the pubpc; Seattle's King County Metro is one of them.只有几个交通机构现在向大众提供实时巴士定位;Seattle的KingCountyMetro就是其中之一。

2.I worked as a translator for the King County court house. Afterwards, I worked as a translator for hospitals.我工作,担任翻译为国王县法院众议院之后,我担任翻译医院。

3.The King County Prosecutor's Office has charged Lewis with making a fraudulent insurance claim.金县的检察院已经以保险诈骗罪起诉刘易斯。

4.In King County (Seattle), Washington the situation may be the worst in the country.华盛顿的King县(西雅图)的情况可能是这个国家中最糟糕的。

5."A lawyer can charge from 500 to 800 dollars, " said Duncan, who works part-time as a fiscal analyst for King County.“律师能得到工资从500到800美元”,邓肯说,他是国王郡一个财政分析员的兼职工人。

6.King County Gang green pepper cultivation is large.李刚是金阳县青花椒种植大户。

7.The King County Sheriff's Office identified the suspect Tuesday as Gregory P. Hess, 65.金县警长办公室在周二确认这名嫌疑人为格雷戈里.赫斯今年65岁。

8.I've heard about electronic voting elsewhere. What is it and will I be able to vote electronically here in King County?在其它的地方我有听闻以电子方式投票。那是什麽的一回事,同时我在景郡能以电子方式投选吗?

9.How many people can not know, 10 years ago, he is known for leather Changge King County, a net worth of milpons of the rich.可没有多少人知晓,在10多年前,他就是闻名长葛县的皮革大王,身家百万的富豪。