




1.国王与皇后 judge and jury 法官与陪审团, king and queen 国王与皇后 ladies and gentlemen 女士与先生 ...

2.国王和王后zac)、亨利‧摩尔(Henry Moore)的「王与后」(King and Queen)、亚历山大‧考尔德(Alexander Calder)的「狗」(Do…

4.国王王后 ... 1水银喷泉( Mercurial Fountain) 2国王王后( King and Queen) 3 赤裸的真理( The naked truth) ...

5.国王与王后 是只有国王和女王( king and Queen) 不是帝国( Empire) ...


1.Her pained king and queen, watching monster kind of a daughter, to see that big monster son-in-law, I do not know what to do.心疼女儿的国王和王后,看着妖怪样的女儿,再看看那个大怪物女婿,不知如何是好。

2.This infuriated locals and tourists, who accuse the French president and his wife of acting pke a spoiled king and queen.此举引发了当地民众和游客的抗议,他们抱怨萨科齐夫妇简直就像是一对骄奢淫逸的国王和王后。

3.ONCE upon a time a child was born to a king and queen who ruled over a great country on the banks of the Nile River.很久很久以前,在尼罗河岸边的一个伟大的国家里,国王和王后的孩子降生了。

4.Columbus reported to his king and queen that the world was round, and he went down in history as the man who first made this discovery.哥伦布向他的国王和王后报告世界是圆的,并且在历史上作为这个发现的第一人。

5.For a child to have been given something pke that, he must have had very important parents - perhaps even the king and queen.给一个孩子这样的待遇,说明这个孩子一定有地位很重的父母,甚至有可能是国王和王后。

6.To this effect he ordered a play to be prepared, to the representation of which he invited the king and queen.为此他命令准备演出此戏,并邀请国王与王后前来观看。

7.She saw the sad faces of the king and queen as well as the guests, and she began to think.仙女看到国王、皇后和其它宾客悲戚的面容时,她就开始思考。

8.Once upon a time in a Kingdom Far Far Away the king and queen were blessed with a beautiful baby girl.很久以前,在英国远东远离国王和王后是得天独厚的一个美丽的女婴。

9.The whole kingdom was sad. The king and queen had no magic power to turn Rella back into a princess.整个王国都陷入了极大的悲痛中。国王和王后没有魔力可以Rella重新变成公主。

10.At last, however, the king and queen of Spain gave him ships with which to make the trial voyage.最终,西班牙国王和王后为他准备了舰船,供他试航。