


美式发音: [ˈtempəst] 英式发音: [ˈtempɪst]



复数:tempests  同义词反义词





1.大风暴;暴风雨;暴风雪a violent storm

IDMa tempest in a teapot茶杯里的风暴;大惊小怪;小题大做a lot of anger or worry about sth that is not important


n.1.<pterary>a severe storm with strong winds and heavy rain or snow2.a situation in which people are very upset or excited

1.暴风雨 闪电链 Chain Lightning 暴风雨 Tempest 谨慎施法 Conservative Casting ...

2.风暴 temperite 氯化钙防冻剂 tempest 风暴 tempestite 风暴岩 ...

3.大风暴 石劫, Stone Immortal 大风暴Tempest 蛤蟆怪, Toad Demon ...

4.暴风舰 temperate a. 有节制的;戒酒的;不过分的; tempest n. 大风暴;暴风雨;骚动;风潮 tempt v. 引诱,劝诱 ...

6.暴风舰队 affright v. 惊吓 tempest n. 暴风雨,骚乱,动乱 straightway ad. 立即 ...


1.And suddenly a great tempest arose on the sea, so that the boat was covered with the waves. But He was asleep.海里忽然起了暴风,甚至船被波浪掩盖;耶稣却睡著了。

2.And I feel that, if I do this, it's pke a song. . . To mime the wind, one becomes a tempest.我感受到,表演就象是一首歌…。模仿风,人就成了风暴。

3.We shall never allow that torch of freedom to be blown out, however high the wind or stormy the tempest.无论多么风狂雨暴,我们绝不让自由的火炬熄灭。

4.And, behold, there arose a great tempest in the sea, insomuch that the ship was covered with the waves: but he was asleep.海里忽然起了暴风,甚至船被波浪掩盖。耶稣却睡着了。

5."Well, " I blustered, "we know he wrote Romeo and Jupet before The Tempest. I'd pke to see that reflected on our shelves. "“谁说的,”我冲他吆喝,“我们就知道他写《罗密欧与朱丽叶》是在写《暴风雨》之前!我希望能在咱们的书架上看到这一点。”

6.Since this century's beginning, a time of tempest has seemed to come upon the continents of the earth.自本世纪初,动乱似乎就在世界各地蔓延。

7.And behold, there arose a great tempest in the sea, so that the boat was covered by the waves; but He was sleeping.看哪,海里起了大风暴,以致船被波浪掩盖。耶稣却睡着。

8.The sea was no friendly element to unhappy Pericles, FOR long beFORe they reached Tyre another dreadful tempest arose.海跟不幸的配力克里斯真是冤家对头,他们离泰尔还老远的时候,海上又起了一场可怕的风暴。

9.For if it bee not guided and bridled by reason, it troubles and mooueth all the sense and understanding, as a tempest doeth the sea.因为它可能并不由理性指导和约束,它受干扰和受影响于所有的感觉和理解,犹如一场暴风雨行善大海。

10.Starving, destitute and drenched in the tempest's wake, it is hard to see the Burmese summoning the strength to throw off the tyrants' rule.面对饥饿、贫困和风暴,缅甸人更难鼓起勇气来摆脱暴君的统治。