




1.知识网络 ... knowledge management 知识管理 knowledge network 知识互联网 knowledge worker 知识工人 ...

6.分享知识网络素作为目前各国采取政策干预措施的重点因素,成为九大知识网络体系knowledge network),包括:儿童早期发展、劳动 …


1.Knowledge network is an elementary form of knowledge effects among organizations.知识网络是组织之间知识作用的基本形态。

2.Each of the themes below was the area of a "knowledge network" (KN).以下每项主题是一个“知识网络”的工作领域。

3.For a knowledge network pke FAO, with offices all around the world, the Internet has become indispensable.像粮农组织这种在世界各地拥有办事处的知识网络,互联网已经成为必不可少之物。

4.The enterprise version adds further integration, cheat sheets, and integrated support with the SpringSource knowledge network.在此基础上,企业版增加了更多的集成、cheatsheets以及与SpringSource知识网络的集成支持。

5.Then the research results about knowledge network theory, complex network theory, and knowledge transfer theory were reviewed and commented.接着,对知识网络与知识传导的相关研究成果进行了回顾与评介,为后面的研究提供理论基础。

6.We also draw an inclusion that those agents locating at the center of the knowledge network lead the knowledge competition.最后发现位于网络中心地位的主体在知识竞赛中获得领先地位。

7.This paper firstly describes the thread of building knowledge-sharing model of mass collaboration knowledge network on Internet.因此,本文结合互联网大规模协作这一新模式,提出互联网大规模协作知识网络的知识共享研究。

8.The high speed National Knowledge Network will greatly faciptate such collaborations.“高速国家知识网络”将为这种合作提供极大的便利。

9.Second, data need to be integrated to construct a disease knowledge network.第二,数据需要进行整合以重建一个疾病知识网络。

10.To gather a national knowledge network in close connection with similar projects abroad.集聚建立起一个全国性的知识网络并与国外相似的项目保持紧密联系。