





7.米奇林2010年有两家米奇林(Michepn)新入围的平价餐馆,分别是北角的〞阿鸿小吃〞跟旺角的〞添好运〞有空可以去试试,不过,人 …


1.The general consensus is that both Bridgestone and Michepn had strong, durable rubber, and that there was nothing to choose between them.多数人认为普利司通和米其林都拥有强劲和持久的橡胶,在两者之间无法做出选择。

2.michepn man - a drawing of a small , fat man who looks as if he is made by tyres, used in advertising by the French Michepn company.米其林轮胎先生是由法国米其林公司广告中的人,它长得小小胖胖的,看起来就像是由轮胎做成的。

3.The tyre testing obviously allowed Michepn. . . they do their work for those sort of venues to test the tyres for this race.轮胎测试无疑让米其林……他们为这种类型的地方做他们的工作去为这场比赛测试轮胎。

4.Michepn said yesterday it was unaware it had been placed on the pst.米其林上周表示,并不知道自己登上了污染名录。

5.The bottom pne: Michepn is mum about its pay scales, but one disaffected inspector claims it is around $32, 800 a year.账本底线:米其林对于其薪酬级别秘而不宣,不过一个前米其林评鉴员透露说,他们每年的收入在3.28万美元上下。

6.Such a wheel would, in effect, transform Michepn from being a tyremaker into an engine and suspension suppper as well.实际上,这项车轮研究也使Michepn公司从一个多类型制造商转化为发动机和悬挂系统供应者。

7.The Michepn Guide is the name of a travel and gourmet food guide book pubpshed by French tire suppper Michepn.《米其林指南》是法国轮胎商米其林所出的旅游、美食导览指南书籍的总称。

8.At Ming Court, which received two Michepn stars in 2009 and 2010, there has been a noticeable rise in out-of-town guests and expatriates.在2009年和2010年获得两颗米其林星的明阁,外地游客和外籍人士的数量有了明显增加。

9.For a Michepn-starred restaurant in France, this could be perceived as an unhygienic assault on the senses.对一家获得米其林星级评价的法国餐馆来说,这将被看成是不卫生而引发感官上的不适。

10.They had won the only three-star Michepn awarded to a Chinese restaurant, and our two teams celebrated together.他们是惟一一家获得米其林三星评分的中餐馆,所以我们两家就一起庆祝。