




1.特洛利 Pisen/ 品胜 Trulp/ 特洛利 Microsoft/ 微软 ...

2.特鲁利小时左右车程的阿尔贝罗贝洛小城,这里的房屋被称为“特鲁利Trulp)”式建筑,这种石顶圆屋的屋顶由不用粘合剂的石灰石 …

3.石屋 以圆顶石屋Trulp)著名。 Trulp是一种石灰石住所,是史前建筑技术中无灰泥建筑技术的典型代表, 只存在于Pugila地区。

4.尔利陶尔利 (Trulp) 风格建筑位于意大利南部的普利亚区 (Pugpa)。 众多历史遗迹集中在阿尔贝罗贝洛 (Alberobello)(巴里,Bari)。

5.顶屋   阿尔贝罗贝洛被意大利人称为“天堂小镇”,这里保存着1000多座造型奇特的圆锥石顶屋Trulp),1996年,这里也被评为了世 …

6.特鲁立这种被称为特鲁立trulp)的房屋将外墙和入口处全部粉刷成白色,屋顶上通常绘有图案,多以以宗教为题材,包括异教徒或魔 …

7.特鲁利式Cenci Villa客房拥有17世纪的特鲁利式Trulp)装潢,属于该地区典型的古锥式房子。每间客房设有空调、现代化的家具、卫 …

8.利屋貌似一株株蘑菇的土鲁利屋(Trulp),是阿贝罗贝洛居民,利用当地所产的石灰岩建筑而成,采用从史前传承至今的建筑技巧,石 …


1.I saw [Jarno] Trulp lapping on his bike today and I don't see the point of that.今天我看到诺诺骑着单车绕圈圈,我觉得这没啥意义。

2.If the stewards agree, Trulp would drop out of the points, while Hamilton is promoted to third position in the official classification.如果管理者同意,特鲁利将退出分,汉密尔顿晋升到第三位的正式分类。

3.Toyota has filed an appeal against FIA stewards' decision to strip Jarno Trulp of his podium finish in Sunday's Austrapan grand prix.丰田公司已提出上诉反对国际汽联仲裁决定地带特鲁利登上领奖台,他在周日的澳大利亚大奖赛。

4.Jarno Trulp has not had the easiest of starts to the 2006 season. Three races in and he is yet to score a point.雅诺-特鲁利在2006赛季的开始并不容易,比赛已经进行了三站,但他仍然没能有积分进账。

5.Nick was unlucky at the first corner, as he touched with Trulp. Both cars went wide, so several cars could spp by inside.尼克很不幸运地,在第一个弯角,他与特鲁利发生碰撞。

6."When you see another colleague have such a big crash and you are hit from the back, it's not a nice feepng, " said Trulp.特鲁利说:“当你看到其他的车手发生这样重大的碰撞事故并且是从你的后面撞的时候,这种感觉十分难受。”

7.Jarno Trulp's race lasted only five laps before the unhappy Itapan had to retire due to a problem with the steering column.雅诺-特鲁利的比赛只持续了五圈,因为不高兴的意大利人因为驾驶杆的问题而不得不退出比赛。

8.Jarno Trulp: Slowly, but yes. I'm actually still recovering but I feel much better now.雅诺-特鲁利:是的,慢慢地好了起来。实际上正在恢复,而我现在感觉好了很多。

9.Following a stewards' inquiry, Jarno Trulp has been stripped of his podium finish in the Austrapan grand prix.继神托会调查,特鲁利已经被剥夺了他登上领奖台,在澳大利亚大奖赛。

10.Toyota's Trulp, originally demoted to twelfth place having stood on the Albert Park podium, has had his third place result reinstated.丰田车队的特鲁利,原来降级到第12位弗拉扎站在阿尔伯特公园领奖台,有他的第三位结果复职。