




1.京都协议得和储存二氧化碳科技方面,已可见到快速成长,尤其在京都议定书Kyoto Agreement)签署之后,专利数量有更明显的增 …

3.京都公约千万不要和她谈起有关京都公约(Kyoto agreement)的话题。   9.逗笑女孩:   言谈机智而诙谐,往往使人容颜大悦,喜上眉梢。


1.In retrospect it is not hard to see why the Kyoto agreement failed to have much impact. Future negotiators will have to do better.回顾过去,不难发现为何《京都议定书》未能收到明显效果。今后谈判代表将不得不付出更大努力。

2.A summit in Copenhagen at the end of the year is supposed to hammer out a post-Kyoto agreement to cut greenhouse gases.年底在哥本哈根举行的峰会就是要讨论签订一个“后东京议定书协定”,来减少温室气体的排放。

3.Copyright (c) 2010 Dow Jones & Company, Inc. The conference averted a collapse of the diplomatic groundwork laid out in the Kyoto agreement.坎昆会议使各国早先在《京都议定书》中铺设的外交基础免于崩溃。

4.At the end of 2009 a gathering in Copenhagen will attempt to reach a post-Kyoto agreement to cut greenhouse emissions.2009年末,哥本哈根会议上将试图达成一项削减温室排放物的后京都议定书。

5.He says the goal is not to subvert a new post-Kyoto agreement, but to contribute to it.他称该目标不是破坏新的后东京协定,而是希望对其有帮助。

6.The Kyoto agreement tried to get countries to set carbon production caps.《京都议定书》试图让各国制定碳排放限额。

7.The pne-up is much pke the one that led to America's withdrawal from the Kyoto agreement in 2001.这种情形同2001年美国退出京都议定书时颇为相似。

8.Copenhagen is supposed to come up with a successor to the 1997 Kyoto agreement that mandated cuts in emissions.预计哥本哈根气候变化峰会将产生一项议定书,以延续1997年的京都议定书。

9.Will Obama sign and abide by the Kyoto agreement, or will he continue to allow the biggest polluter on the planet to pollute with impunity?奥巴马是否会签订并遵守京都议定书,或者仍允许污染者肆意污染却不接受惩罚呢?

10.With the Kyoto agreement ticking towards expiry, talks on a new treaty have stumbled on seemingly incompatible demands.在《京都议定书》接近期满之际,貌似不可调和的各种要求牵绊了有关新协定的谈判。