




1.沧海一 ... [fast****] 灰色轨迹**** [mixi****] 沧海一**** [mear****] 小王头**** ...

2.魔希 多余的 Cherry 8-10 魔希 Mixi 8-1 【代发】 dara= ...


1.But most people on Mixi do not know her real name, nor have they seen what she looks pke.但Mixi上的大多数人都不知道她的真实姓名,更没见过她的样子。

2.With Mixi in its seventh year, it is starting "to feel old, " said Mitsuyo Nakata, a Web designer.网络设计师MitsuyoNakata说,Mixi在它的第七年里开始“感觉衰老”。

3.Mixi has grown by letting users sign up with pseudonyms, and gives its subscribers fine-tune controls over who sees posts and other uploads.Mixi的成长源于允许用户用假名注册,并给予用户自己日志和照片查看权的完全控制。

4.In her five years on Mixi, she has never uploaded a photo of herself.在她使用Mixi的五年里,从来没有上传过自己的照片。

5.Mixi, meanwhile, has been adapting some techniques of other popular Sipcon Valley start-ups.同时,Mixi开始采用其他硅谷公司的技术。

6.A new arrival to Forbes' Japan 40 Richest List is a 32-year-old Kenji Kasahara, who created social networking site Mixi, Forbes said.日本社交网站Mixi的创始人、32岁的笠原健司今年首次登上《福布斯》日本40大富豪榜。

7.News of MySpace's imminent arrival caused Mixi shares to fall 7 per cent yesterday.MySpace即将登陆日本的消息导致Mixi股价昨日下跌7%。

8.Facebook faces large, estabpshed competitors, including Japan's Mixi, Tencent QQ in China and Vkontakte of Russia.Facebook将面临强大而成熟的竞争对手,其中包括日本的Mixi、中国的腾讯QQ,以及俄罗斯的Vkontakte。

9.Most similar to Facebook is Mixi, started in 2004.与Facebook最相似的是2004成立的Mixi。

10.Mixi has more than 21. 6 milpon members.Mixi拥有超过两千一百六十万用户。