


美式发音: [lɔ] 英式发音: [lɔː]



复数:laws  搭配同义词

v.+n.obey law,break law,enforce law,violate law,make law

adj.+n.english law,applicable law,japanese law,british law,German law




n.1.the principles set out in the Bible, especially the Pentateuch, said to be the divine will.2.a rule of conduct or procedure recognized by a community as binding or enforceable by authority3.an act passed by a legislature or similar body4.the body or system of rules recognized by a community that are enforceable by established process5.the control or authority resulting from the observance and enforcement of a community's system of rules6.the branch of knowledge or study concerned with the rules of a community and their enforcement7.the body of law relating to a particular subject or area8.the legal profession9.legal action or proceedings10.a person or organization responsible for enforcing the law, especially the police11.a general rule or principle that is thought to be true or held to be binding12.a statement of a scientific fact or phenomenon that is invariable under given conditions13.a general relationship that is assumed or proved to exist between mathematical expressions14.an official rule that people must obey15.the profession that includes lawyers and judges16.the area of knowledge or study dealing with systems of rules and the way that they work17.an explanation of a natural or scientific process1.the principles set out in the Bible, especially the Pentateuch, said to be the divine will.2.a rule of conduct or procedure recognized by a community as binding or enforceable by authority3.an act passed by a legislature or similar body4.the body or system of rules recognized by a community that are enforceable by established process5.the control or authority resulting from the observance and enforcement of a community's system of rules6.the branch of knowledge or study concerned with the rules of a community and their enforcement7.the body of law relating to a particular subject or area8.the legal profession9.legal action or proceedings10.a person or organization responsible for enforcing the law, especially the police11.a general rule or principle that is thought to be true or held to be binding12.a statement of a scientific fact or phenomenon that is invariable under given conditions13.a general relationship that is assumed or proved to exist between mathematical expressions14.an official rule that people must obey15.the profession that includes lawyers and judges16.the area of knowledge or study dealing with systems of rules and the way that they work17.an explanation of a natural or scientific process

1.法律 社会科学( Social Science) 法学Laws) 双学位项目( Joint-Degree Programs) ...

3.法则 英文格言-经验篇( Experice 英文格言-法律篇laws) 英文格言- …

5.法律法规 公司顾问 ADVISER 法律法规 LAWS 业务领域 FIELD ...

6.定律 Lincoln 林肯 Laws 劳斯 Lawler 劳勒 ...


1.She had spent so much of her life feeling secondary (though to a man she adored) that she burned to undo the laws that hemmed women in.在她一生的大部分时间中,她总感觉自己作为女性得不到重视(虽然她受到一个男人的宠爱),于是尽自己所能解除那些禁锢女性的法律。

2.One of the other major laws of energy is, so as you give, so shall you receive.关于能量的另一个法则就是,只要你付出,你就会收取。

3.However, the public nature of the judicial power determines the judge's monopoly of the fact cognizance and the application of laws.然而,司法权之公权性决定了在诉讼中法官垄断案件的事实认定权和法律适用权。

4.Nearly every society has very strict laws concerning espionage, and the penalty for being caught is often death.几乎每个社会都有着十分严格的关于间谍活动的法律,间谍被抓住的惩罚往往是死亡。

5.marcus aurelius , enacting good laws in order that he might be virtuous , is not an attractive figure.马史奥理略制定了好的法律,以为这样可以成为一个有德行的人,但他并没有成为一个有吸引力的人物。

6.America's, said one of its founders, should be "a government of laws and not of men" .美国的缔造者之一曾说,美国应该是“一个法治而非人治的政府”。

7.He announced last week that he would lift the long-standing emergency laws, one of the main demands of anti-government demonstrators.他上周宣布即将废除实施已久的紧急状态法,这是反政府示威者的主要诉求之一。

8.It did not mean that they were to spin their own little worlds, twisting and bending laws to make images of their dreams.这并不意味着它们应该去旋转它们自己的小世界、去扭曲法则以造就它们梦中的意象。

9.The region has commercial laws on paper. The trouble is, they are not yet applied. And the would-be state's new leaders do not seem to care.当地确实有明文写出的商业法律文件,而问题是他们并不遵守、而这个即将成立国家的新任领导者们看起来也并不关心这一问题。

10.Women are also protected by effective laws and are no longer the weaker sex. The sense of dignity is real, not just a notion.健全的法律保护女性,她们不再是弱者,尊严是实实在在的。