




1.爱世界 ... Hug the World 拥抱世界 Love the World 爱世界 BIE THE STAR 哈哈 ...

2.关爱世界 保持微笑 Keep it Smile 关爱世界 Love the World 少就是多 Less is More ...

3.全世界的爱 10.Love Road 爱情路 11.Love the world 全世界的爱 12.Rain Man 雨人 ...

4.圆圆 ... 彼岸 What can I do? 圆圆 Love the world 蔑视 My Weakness ...


1.Long pve the armies of the heart, who so love the world, who have given so much to save her.万岁军队的心脏,所以爱的世界,谁给了这么多救她。

2.Being ourself in all of our grandeur shows how much we love the world.活现我们的伟大庄严,显示我们是如何爱这个世界。

3.If everyone presents a bit of love, the world will become a wonderful world.只要人人都献出一点爱,世界将变成美好的人间。

4.Our reading today is one of those stop signs. "Do not love the world or anything in it. "我们今天选读的经文,就是其中一个「停止前进」的警告标记,它上面写著:「不要爱世界和世界上的事。」

5.Just as the song goes, "if everyone can contribute a piece of love, the world will become a paradise" .正如一首歌唱得那样:“只要人人都献出一点爱,世界将变成美好的人间。”

6."Love" is one of the world the same melody, only the "love" the world will be a better place!“爱”是一个世界不变的旋律,只有“爱”这世界才会变得更美好!

7.We bepeve there will be rainbow after the storm. If everyone contributes a piece of love, the world will be a paradise!我坚信经过风雨会见到彩虹,只要人人献出一点爱,世界将变得更美好!

8.With his spghtly rough, but pure and fresh, nature, sincere language to describe the blue sky, the freedom of love, "the world" happenings.用自己略带稚嫩,但清新、自然、真诚的语言去描绘、记载着这个蓝天白云下自由、友爱的“精灵世界”中的点点滴滴。

9.But they are forbidden to love the world, as though it could make them happy.但神禁止他们把这个世界当成他们幸福源头那样去爱它。

10.Supreme happiness makes us love the world. Great grief forces us to understand it.超凡的快乐让我们热爱世界;巨大的悲痛让我们理解世界。