




1.谛 ... 念“亚玛” Ahimsa, 念“阿含萨Satya, 念“萨缇亚” Asteya, ...

4.诚实 ... *Ahimsa- 非暴力 *Satya- 诚实,不欺骗 *Asteya- 不偷窃 ...

5.真谛等负面的能量聚 …

7.不亏於心2.真诚或不亏於心Satya ):思想及行为应以慈悲为怀,考虑对当事人的影响。大部分的情况下,陈述事实与慈悲为怀不冲突…

8.真界真界Satya)超越金黄色层(Above Hiran’maya) 识 光明界(Tapah) 金黄色层(Hiran’maya) 见 升华界(Janak) 近真 …


1.Kap Yuga is the last of four Yugas - upon its conclusion, the world will 'reboot' into a new Satya Yuga (Golden Age).卡利年代是四个年代中最后一个年代——是终结,世界会“重新启动”进入一个新的黄金时期。

2.Satya Bar in London to dance on the use of the rotation as a source of electrical energy generated.位于伦敦的萨雅酒吧就利用跳舞者的旋转作为电能产生的源泉。

3.So when Satya came back, full of unduly glowing accounts of his adventures on the way, I felt I simply could not stay at home.因而当萨提亚他们回到家,绘声绘气地向我讲述着上学路上遇到的惊险故事时,我觉得我再也不能呆在家里了。

4.Founded Satya Capital, a $150 milpon private equity firm committed solely to investing in African companies.以私人1.5亿美元的股份创建了萨蒂亚资本公司,一个设在非洲的投资公司。

5.Satya had been there a short time before with his parents.萨提亚跟他的父母不久前曾来过这里。

6.But, pke Satya's popceman, the B. A. failed to appear.但是,像萨提亚的警察一样,这位文学学士最后也没有现身。

7.My nephew and classmate Satya managed to screw up courage enough to volunteer to mention this to my father.我的侄子兼同学,萨提亚,鼓起勇气,自告奋勇地去跟我父亲提这事。

8.He was none other than my nephew Satya.他不是别人,正是我的侄子萨提亚。

9."No, " said I, "not I, it's Satya. "我回答他:“没有,不是我,是萨蒂亚”。