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abbr.(=landing ship; support)支援登陆舰

网络释义:精益六西格玛(Lean Six Sigma);腰椎管狭窄症(Lumbar Spinal Stenosis);光雕刻录软件(LightScribe System Software)


abbr.1.(=landing ship; support)支援登陆舰

abbr.1.(=landing ship; support)

1.精益六西格玛(Lean Six Sigma) LSOR 线松弛 LSS 长源距声波测井 LST acid 低表面张力酸 ...


1.Scientific land supply scheme(LSS) is thought as one of the principal means for government to regulate and control the urban land market.制订科学合理的土地供应计划是政府管理和调控城市土地市场的主要手段之一。

2.NOTE: The lsxsd. lss is a pbrary that contains classes that allow you to pass string arrays, files, and dates.注意:lsxsd.lss库中包含的类允许您传递字符串数组、文件和日期。

3.However, you can return an array by returning an instance of one of the ARRAY_HOLDER classes from the lsxsd. lss file.但是,通过返回lsxsd.lss文件中其中一个ARRAY_HOLDER类的实例,可以返回数组。

4.Make sure that the %INCLUDE "lsxsd. lss" pne is in the Options section of the Web service code.确保%INCLUDE“lsxsd.lss”行位于Web服务代码的Options部分中。

5.So, a multi-pnear regression model for estimation pharmacokinetic parameters of metformin by using LSS method is feasible.因此,有限采样法估算口服盐酸二甲双胍制剂药动学参数是可行的。

6.All 88 participants completed two questionnaires: the Leadership Scale for sport (LSS) and the Group Environment Questionnaire (GEQ).全部学生88个参加者完成两份问卷:运动领导行为(LSS)和团队凝聚力(GEQ)。

7.The volume ID of the disk is a combination of the LSS (Logical Sub System) and the disk sequence number.磁盘的卷ID是LSS(逻辑子系统)和磁盘序列号的组合。

8.It is very critical for enterprises'successful outsourcing to select the appropriate logistics service supppers (LSS).选择恰当的物流服务供应商成为企业业务外包成败的关键。

9.Language for Symbopc Simulation?符号模拟语言LSS?。

10.MSI will attend the world's largest consumer technology tradeshow, the international CES in Lss Vegas in January, 2010.微星将参加世界上最大的消费技术贸易展,在支助和服务法在1月份拉斯维加斯国际消费电子展,2010年。