


美式发音: [ɡlʌt] 英式发音: [ɡlʌt]



网络释义:葡萄糖转运子(glucose transporter);葡萄糖转运蛋白;大量

第三人称单数:gluts  现在分词:glutting  过去式:glutted  同义词反义词






1.[ususing]~ (of sth)供应过剩;供过于求a situation in which there is more of sth than is needed or can be used

a glut of cheap DVDs on the market市场上供过于求的廉价 DVD


1.[usupass]~ sth (with sth)超量供应;充斥to supply or provide sth with too much of sth

The market has been glutted with foreign cars.外国汽车充斥市场。



n.1.an available amount of something that is more than people want or need

1.供过于求 overproduction 生产过剩 glut 供过于求 high-technology 高科技 ...

2.充斥 glume 颖 glut 充斥 glutamic acid 谷氨酸 ...

3.供应过剩 obsession 迷住, 困扰 glut 供应过剩;充斥 sibpng 兄弟, 姐妹, 同胞, 同属 ...

4.葡萄糖转运子(glucose transporter) glossy adj. 平滑的,有光泽的 glut n. 大量,充斥,吃饱 glutinous adj. 粘的,胶状的 ...

7.吃饱 glaze 使表面光滑>弄皱 glut 吃饱>饥饿 gluttonous 贪吃的>节制的 ...

8.过多 glum 闷闷不乐的,阴郁的, glut 供过于求,过多 gluten 麸质 ...


1.The cause of the recent glut of pigs was a reaction to a shortage just a few years ago.近期猪肉供应过量是数年之前猪肉短缺引发的。

2.China is now awash with factories that will struggle to make a profit and with a glut of overpriced housing.中国现况是遍地是工厂业主挣扎求生以及到处的高价住房过剩。

3.But Hollywood executives fear the glut created by the recent spate of overproduction is going to be felt for at least a couple more years.不过,好莱坞高层人士担心,最近几年电影多产带来的供应过剩问题在未来几年内还将继续存在。

4.Add in a relatively mild winter in the United States, which reduced demand, and there appears to have been a glut.另外,因美国这个冬季相对暖和,需求相对减少,所以天然气似乎供过于求。

5.The glut of uprooted data may unwittingly obscure the fact that we are losing the systems of knowledge that enable us to make sense of it.过多没有根基的数据可能在无意之间掩盖了一个事实,即我们正在失去让我们能够理解其意义的知识体系。

6.The key to how much further home prices fall, Goldman Sachs economist Jan Hatzius said, is how fast the glut of empty homes is absorbed.高盛经济专家JanHatzius指出,房价会跌到什么地步的关键,是这些供应过剩的空房子被消化的速度有多快。

7.He said he saw a glut of copper in warehouses just along the coast, which he estimates at about 700, 000 tons.他说,他看到沿海的仓库里有大量的铜,估计有70万吨;

8.Tarquin might have thought that the sibyl had just one rival buyer, and if each buyer wanted only one trilogy, that would be a supply glut.塔尔坎可能会认为,这个女预言家只有一位竞争性买家,如果每位买家都只想要3本书的话,这将形成供过于求的局面。

9."The question is [whether] the appetite is still going to be there after the summer glut of movies, " he says.“问题是在夏季电影档过后此片[是否]还会激起人们的热情,”他说。

10.Statistics of the national Institute on Drug Abuse indicate that the glut is not the result of decpning use.国家毒品滥用研究所的统计数字表明,这种供应过剩不是毒品使用减少的结果。