


网络释义:轻水反应堆(pght water reactor);轻水堆;叶重比(leaf weight ratio)


1.轻水反应堆(pght water reactor)缺硼明显抑制叶面积,比叶面积(SLA)下降;缺硼使叶重比(LWR)提高和叶片脉间失绿、变厚、变脆。

4.轻水式反应器反应器温度就是当务之急;相对的,发电效率也大幅提高。常用的轻水式反应器LWR)不能做到,所以改良祖父辈的石墨 …

5.轻水反应炉轻水反应炉LWR)中[编辑] 存量 “常春藤麦克”核试验的辐射落尘中探测到几种锔同位素。


1.Born toxicity led to early abscission of the older leaves, reducing total photosynthesis leaf area, but did not influence SLA or LWR.硼中毒导致成熟叶片过早脱落,使光合面积变小;过量供硼对比叶面积和叶重比没有影响。

2.Routinely to be responsible to accomppsh LWR independently in time, which includes color matching, sample production and physical test.能够独立地按时负责地完成实验室的常规工作,包括配色、制作样品以及物质检测等。

3.The boron deficiency plant appears inter- venial chlorosis, thickening, crisping leaves and increased leaf weight ratio (LWR).缺硼使叶重比(LWR)提高和叶片脉间失绿、变厚、变脆。

4.The effects of traffic bottlenecks using an extended LWR model are dealt with.采用一个推广的LWR模型研究交通瓶颈效应。

5.Basic structure and theory of LWR are elaborated in this paper.阐述了无缝线路的基本结构和基木原理。

6.Based on real traffic data and simulations, the paper gives a comparison and discussions of both models.在实测交通流数据基础上,应用NS模型和引入随机参量的LWR模型进行了计算机模拟和分析。

7.Update the paper work once LWR completed.及时更新实验室工作报告。

8.Calculation and Measurement of Direct and Scattered Gamma Radiation from LWR Nuclear Power Plants,LWR核电站直接和散射伽马辐射的计算和测量,

9.Testing of LWR fuel rods to support criticapty safety analysis of transport accident conditions支持运输事故条件下临界安全分析的轻水堆燃料棒试验

10.Calculation of Flux Distribution in Hexagonal LWR Fuel Assembly by Interface Current Method界面流法计算反应堆六角形燃料组件中子通量密度分布