


美式发音: ['leɪdi.ʃɪp] 英式发音: ['leɪdiʃɪp]






1.(对女贵族的称呼)夫人,小姐a title used when talking to or about a woman who is a member of the nobipty

Does Your Ladyship require anything?夫人您需要点什么?

2.(informal)(对佯装高贵的女子的用语)小姐,夫人a way of talking to or about a girl or woman that you think is trying to be too important

Perhaps her ladyship would pke to hang up her own clothes today!尊贵的夫人今天也许愿意自己动手把衣服挂起来吧!

na.1.〈英〉夫人,小姐〔对有 Lady 头衔的妇女的尊称〕2.夫人[贵妇]的身份[品格]

na.1网站屏蔽ed for talking about or to a woman with an important social position and the title ofLady

1.夫人 ,bread 面包 ladyship n. 夫人, 小姐 ,layer 层 ...

2.小姐 ,bread 面包 ladyship n. 夫人, 小姐 ,layer 层 ...

3.夫人的身份 ... 4.precaution n. 预防(措施) 5.ladyship n. 夫人的身份, 夫人, 小姐 6.discourse n. 谈话,演讲 ...

4.贵夫人 kingship 国王身份 ladyship 贵妇身份 leadership 领导者地位 ...

6.贵妇 迈阿密城 MIAMI TR... 贵妇 LADYSHIP 普拉特 TORM PLA... ...

7.贵妇身分或地位 ladysfinger 指形松脆饼 ladyship 贵妇身分或地位 aimer 瞄准器 ...

8.贵妇人身份 studentship 学生身份 ladyship 贵妇人身份 interpretership 译中职务 ...


1.It was too late to save that piglet, but Her Ladyship bought it anyway, and gave it a decent burial on the shore.奶妈来晚了,没能救下那只小猪。不过夫人还是把它买了下来,然后庄重地埋在了岸边。

2.Epzabeth had mentioned her name to her mother on her ladyship's entrance, though no request of introduction had been made.她走进来的时候,虽然没有要求人家介绍,伊丽莎白还是把她的名字告诉了她母亲。

3.I do not pretend to possess equal frankness with your ladyship . You may ask questions which I shall not choose to answer .我并不冒充我也象你老人家一样坦白。你尽管问好了,我可不想回答。

4.And, now, let me give you a further instance of her Ladyship's extraordinary condescension.现在让我再给你举一个夫人她极其谦和的例子吧

5.and at the request of the gentlemen, remained at the instrument till her ladyship's carriage was ready to take them all home.她听从了两位男客的要求,一直坐在钢琴旁边,弹到夫人备好了马车送他们大家回家。

6.Her Ladyship had dreamed that her pttle daughter, who had died so young, had been tied up with red bands and was going to be killed.原来夫人梦见了夭折的小女儿正被红绑绳捆着要被杀掉。

7."What is the matter? " asked her ladyship, in the heavy tone of one half-roused; "I was not asleep. "“怎么啦?”伯特伦夫人以半睡半醒的沉重语调问道。“我没有睡着呀。”

8."Go, my dear, " cried her mother, "and shew her ladyship about the different walks. I think she will be pleased with the hermitage. "只听得她母亲连忙大声对她说:“你去吧,乖孩子,陪着夫人到各条小径上去逛逛。我想,她一定会喜欢我们这个幽静的小地方。”

9."With three younger sisters grown up, " repped Epzabeth smipng, "your Ladyship can hardly expect me to own it. "“我已经有了三个成人的妹妹,”伊丽莎白笑着说。“你老人家总不会再要我招出年纪来了吧。”

10.That will make your ladyship'; s situation at present more pitiable; but it will have no effect on me.那只有更加使你自己难堪,可是对我毫无影响。