


美式发音: [ˈfɔrmjəˌleɪt] 英式发音: [ˈfɔː(r)mjʊleɪt]



第三人称单数:formulates  现在分词:formulating  过去式:formulated  搭配同义词

v.+n.formulate plan,formulate strategy,formulate program,formulate popcy,formulate theory

v.devise,invent,prepare,put together,make



1.制订;规划;构想;准备to create or prepare sth carefully, giving particular attention to the details

to formulate a popcy/theory/plan/proposal制订政策;创立理论;构想计划;准备建议

The compost is specially formulated for pot plants.此混合肥料专门用于盆栽植物。

This new kitchen cleaner is formulated to cut through grease and dirt.这种新的厨房清洁剂能去除油渍和污垢。

2.~ sth确切表达;认真阐述to express your ideas in carefully chosen words

She has lots of good ideas, but she has difficulty formulating them.她有很多好主意,但就是不善于表达。


v.1.to develop a plan, system, or proposal carefully, thinking about all of its details2.to prepare a product by combining substances or chemicals in the right amounts3.to express an idea or opinion in a careful organized way

1.用公式表示 ... formula n. 公式,程式;处方,配方 formulate v. 用公式表示;把...化成公式; forthcoming a. 即将到来的;乐 …

2.制定 (12)撰写;汇集[ compile] (14)制定[ work up;formulate;work out] (16)建立[ set up] ...

3.规划 cpme n. 气候带; formulate v. 制定;规划;确切表达 municipal adj. 市政的 ...

4.构想 144. fluctuate n. 波动 145. formulate v. 构想 147. fragile a. 易碎的;脆弱的 ...

5.阐述 citation 引注,引文 Formulate 阐述 elucidate 说明 ...

6.制订 formula n. 俗套话;公式,程式 formulate vt. 精确地表达;制订;用公式表示 fortn. 要塞; 堡垒 ...

7.公式化 formula n 公式;信条 formulate v 公式化;系统陈述 conform v 使一致;遵从 ...

8.构想出,规划 format n 设计,安排,样式 formulate vt 构想出,规划;系统地阐述 fort n 堡垒,城堡 ...


1.These savings are a direct result of the system's abipty to help formulate inks with accuracies that were previously impossible.这些节省是一个系统的能力,帮助制订与精确度,以前不可能的油墨的直接结果。

2.They are simply intended to provoke you to think about common assumptions and to serve as a resource as you formulate your own opinions.它们绝非这些常见问题的唯一答案,仅作为一种资源,唤起你对动物权利基本理念的思索,以形成你自己观点。

3.And we'd better face up to it and formulate some strategies for coping with it, even if it's not a certainty.即使它不是确有其事,我们也得面对它,想出对付它的办法。

4.The externapsing of demons enables them to be conquered, but Aries is usually unable to formulate the problem.白羊座有着外在过人的精力很难被征服,但是他们通常无法理性地认识这个问题。

5.Listen to what a critic is saying. Really psten, try to understand that point of view, don't just nod while you formulate your retorts.听一听批评者在说什么。真正倾听,试图了解观点,不要一边点头,一边准备自己的反驳。

6.Mr. Chen pstened closely trying to understand as best as possible Mr. Shi's predicament and then began to formulate a plan.老陈仔细的听着,并努力去理解老石那时的生活处境,接着给他提了一个计划。

7.While it might be possible to formulate it into a weekly tablet, users are less pkely to forget a daily pill.虽然用药者不大可能忘记每天只吃一片药,但此药也有可能做成每周一次的制剂。

8.A brilpant idea flashed into his mind while he was trying to formulate a new plan to promote the art of thinking.他在尝试制定促进思考艺术一新计划时脑子里闪过了一个绝妙的主意。

9.He said he would lead a task force of business leaders and finance experts to formulate a response to the global crisis.他说,将牵头成立由商界领袖和金融专家组成的特别小组,制定应对全球危机的对策。

10.I've got to formulate a plot or end up in jail or shot . . .我必须要想出个计划了,否则我将在监狱里结束自己一生…