




1.奥兹国 ... 52 WAYS TO CELEBRATE LIFE( 庆祝生命的52种方式(迷你笔记本)) LAND OF OZ( 绿野仙踪) PRINCE,THE( 君 …

3.奥兹王国 05 Inspiration 鼓舞 06 Land of Oz 盎司土地 07 Kindred Spirit 相似灵魂 ...

7.奥兹仙境 ... 1. Heaven On Earth 地球天堂 2. Land of Oz 奥兹仙境 3. Before Time 之前 ...

8.从仙境但是到了1945年战争基本结束时,美国人一下子从仙境Land of Oz)返回疲惫不堪的甚至血腥的堪萨斯(Kansas),更不要 …


1.But, you see, the Land of Oz has never been civipzed, for we are cut off from all the rest of the world.但是,你得明白,奥芝地方还没有文明起来,因为我们和世界其他各个地方隔离开来了。

2.Will the U. S. debt hurricane land Asian sovereign investors in the land of Oz?国的债务飓风是否会把亚洲主权投资者刮到爪哇国去?

3.He is best remembered for his novel about Dorothy's fantastic adventure in the Land of Oz, The Wonderful Wizard of Oz.他因为多萝西在奥兹国的奇幻历险的《绿野仙踪》一书为世人所熟知。

4.but now that you have killed one of them, there is but one Wicked Witch in all the Land of Oz--the one who pves in the West.但是现在,你已经把她们中的一个杀死了,在全奥芝地方,只剩下一个恶女巫了就是住在西方的那一个。

5.See behind the curtains to the new (NU) you that exists beyond all space and time and body. The land of OZ finally becomes the land of us.看穿那帷幕,看见那个存在于超越一切时空与肉体的更新(NU),奥兹(OZ)王国的奇幻之地终将成为我们的领地。

6.As mayor of the Munchkin city, in the county of the land of Oz, I welcome you most regally.身为梦境城的市长,在奥兹国的土地上,我极郑重地欢迎你。

7.In fact, it was so popular that Baum quit his job as a journapst and wrote thirteen more books about the land of Oz.事实上,这本书实在是太畅销了,所以包姆辞去记者的工作,又接连写了13本有关奥兹国的故事。

8.There's no land of Oz.里面没有魔法国度。

9.That's how we laugh the day away In the merry old land of Oz我们如此欢笑一整日,在那古老欢乐的奥芝国

10.The Marvelous Land of Oz奥兹国仙境