




1.语言变体情况; 辅语料库则以特 殊语言材料为采集对象,反映各种语言变体language variety)的使用特点。主语料库与 辅语料库 …

4.语言表达的多样性、吸引个人关注(personal focus)以及语言表达的多样性language variety)。

5.变化性tiple/non-verbal Cues)、使用自然语言(Language Variety)、媒体个人化程度(Personal Focus) )将沟通媒介分为四类,如下图:

7.语言多样性(4). 语言多样性language variety):可以运用语言符号(如:自然语言、数字、文字等)来完整表达讯息的内容。 Daft & Len…


1.However, as a language variety, legal Engpsh is highly situation-tied and is of a frozen style.然而,作为一种语言变体,法律英语因其语境制约而文体极为正式,被称为冷冻体。

2.An ethnic language variety is a social dialect of a language, often cutting across regional differences.一个少数民族的语言变体是一种语言的社会方言,它经常存在于不同的地域差别之间。

3.The rule of language variety presents from that it is usually in confusion-order-confusion a- gain in the development of process.语言变化规律常常呈现出无序-有序-无序这样的变化发展过程。

4.Occurring as a new language variety used on the internet, net speak has distinctive pnguistic features in lexicon and syntax.作为一种网络上使用的全新语言形式,网络语言在词汇和句法上逐渐形成了独特的语言特征。

5.So, situations play a crucial role in the formation of a language variety.所以,情况中所扮演的重要角色的形成一种语言的多样性。

6.A pidgin is a language variety created for the purpose of communicating with some other language groups.洋泾浜语是一种为了与其他语言集团进行交流而产生的语言变体。

7.Lecture language is a language variety between written language and oral language.俄语讲演体是介于日常口语与书面语之间的一种语言变体。

8.Tianjin dialect, a language variety of Chinese, has also experienced changes in the past decades.天津方言作为汉语的一个语言变体,在近几十年发生了不少变化。