




1.激光演示ustry)的定义,激光显示的应用主要有两种方式:激光表演Laser Show)和激光效果(Laser Effect)。

3.激光秀或激光表演激光秀或激光表演(Laser Show) 是在电脑控制下激光光束经过色彩合成调制器,激光扫描仪投射在空间或屏幕上,并能展示各 …

4.雷射秀雷射秀Laser show)‧ 水上浮台(Water raft) ‧ 大型场域夜间照明(Lighting of large field) ‧ 高空探照灯秀(Skypght show)

5.激光秀或称激光演示据项目总策划黎志介绍,激光秀或称激光演示(Laser Show) 是指在电脑控制下激光光束经过色彩合成调制器,激光扫描仪投射 …

6.激光表演设备激光表演设备(Laser Show)


1.After reading the reporter's story, Duke felt that it wasn't a case of someone down on his luck: the laser show as the culprit.说他看了好奇记者的报导后,他感觉不是找到了倒楣鬼,而是灯光秀有问题。

2.Flashpghts , fluorescent sticks and cell phones, this could be the build up to a concert or a laser show, but it's none of the above.手电筒,萤光棒和手机,这可以是演唱会或是雷射秀前的热身,不过它都不是。

3.There'll be a special laser show during this concert, and this was especially a time consuming job.这次演唱会有特别的激光表演,这尤其是很耗时的事情。

4.Audiences were treated with spectacular laser show, stunning song and dance performance, and many up close personal interactions.观众观赏了一场壮观的激光表演,令人惊叹的歌曲和舞蹈表演,以及许多个人近距离互动。

5.The performance began with a laser show.演唱会开始,激光表演。

6.We set up Shenzhen KOLO Laser Equipment Co. , Ltd in 2005, to exploit the laser pghting equipment (laser show system) market.2005年开始拓展激光灯(演示系统)设备业务,并在深圳设立了专门从事激光灯(演示系统)产销的深圳市皓龙激光设备有限公司。

7.All the good shows were at night. The laser show and the fireworks were awesome.晚上更有精彩的表演,美丽的激光和五彩斑斓的燃放烟花。

8.Artists perform during a laser show at the closing ceremony for the 19th Commonwealth Games in New Delhi, India, Thursday, Oct.艺术家在演出期间为19英联邦在新德里,印度,星期四,2010年10月14日奥运会闭幕式激光表演。

9.After the laser show it was time to go.激光表演完毕后就是我们返回的时刻。

10.What time does the water laser show start and where is it ?雷射水舞表演是几点、在哪里里举行啊?。