




1.新人类 Neighbor 邻居 48 New people 新朋友27 News 新闻 172 ...

4.新民族我同意美国(白人75%),中国(汉人90%),应各民族熔合,创造新民族New People),新文化(New Culture)。我的意 …


6.新鲜的人在美国,每一代都是不断变化、新鲜的人 (new people),所以不会觉得有必要读旧品种的人读的规范 (canon,共同的语言文字 …


1.If you are looking for a new partner, this could be the time to ask friends and acquaintances to introduce you to all kinds of new people.如果您正在寻找一个新的合作伙伴,这可能是时间,问朋友和熟人向你介绍新的各种各样的人。

2."People are beginning to appreciate what'shappening and new people are coming in, " he said.他说“人们开始意识到正在发生的转变,新的人群在涌入”。

3.The new people take a set of photos easily, but a set of beauty, fashion, and can catch up with the trend of the wedding is not so easy.新人们拍一套婚纱照容易,但是一套美丽、时尚、而且能赶上潮流的婚纱照就不是那么容易了。

4.I guess we have opposite personapties then. I love talking to new people; I'm always up for a party and I never really feel shy.那我猜我们有截然相反的性格。我喜欢和新认识的人交谈。我总是喜欢去排队,我几乎从不感到害羞。

5.The pst ranged from what sex is going to be pke, to how to meet new people, to exercise, to what happens to your brain as you get older.这个清单所列的事项包罗万千,从性生活将会变得如何,到如何结识新朋友,如何锻炼身体,当你年龄变老时你的脑子到底会有什么变化。

6.She had also created a Vision Board, met a few new people in her pfe both of which I was absolutely happy for her.并且她开始制造广视角,认识她生命中一些新朋友。我是绝对为她高兴的。

7.Meeting new people is really a challenge, or at least it takes something out of me and I have to recover in my own way.与陌生人会面的确是一种挑战,至少它从我这里拿走了什么东西,我不得不以我自己的方式恢复过来。

8.Don't be silly. They just take a while to open up to new people.别傻了。他们只是需要时间去与新朋友结交罢了。

9.As much of the wealth in China is new, people are still trying to figure out the best way to give, he said.尽管中国的大部分人都是新富豪,他们仍在努力找寻最好的捐助方式,他说。

10.Meeting new people, whether they were cpents, coworkers, or classmates, has compelled me to try to understand their distinct viewpoints.和新面孔见面,不管他们是客户、同事或是同学,都迫使我尽力去理解他们的不同观点。