




1.最后生死恋 Iron and Silk 铁与丝 Last Dance 最后之舞 Batman 美国总统 ...

3.最后的舞蹈 《Kiss From A Rose》 玫瑰之吻 《Last Dance最后的舞蹈 《Let It Be》 顺其自然 ...

4.最后一舞 ... 20 Is Today’s Population Too Big? 当今人口过于庞大? 26 Last Dance 最后一舞 28 Down Time 闲暇 …

5.最后一之舞 ... Last dance,first kiss 最后一之舞,第一个吻 Your touch my bpss 你让我上天堂 ...

6.最后的舞曲 "MacArthur Park"( 麦克阿瑟公园) "Last Dance"( 最后的舞曲) "Bad Girls"( “坏女孩”) ...

7.为舞倾情 《球体》 Sphere 1996 《为舞倾情Last Dance 1995 年:《赌场》 Casin…


1.While Anne Murray begged for the last dance, Georgia and I began to flow across the floor.安妮·莫莉依然在乞求跳最后一支舞,但乔治娅和我已经开始能够流畅地在舞池中起舞。

2.Thus, before I knew it, mid-week had dissolved into the final night of camp and I was chaperoning the "last dance" .我还没明白过来,星期三已成过去,露营的最后一晚来到了。我伴随营员们跳起“最后的舞蹈”。

3.So don't forget who's taking you home or in whose arms you're gonna be. So darpng, save the last dance for me.所以不要忘记谁将带你回家而且你将会在谁的怀抱里。所以亲爱的,将最后一支舞留给我。

4.Oh baby, won't you save the last dance for me? Ooh, you make a promise that you'll save the last dance for me.哦,宝贝,你会将最后一支舞留给我吗?哦,你许诺会将最后一支舞留给我。

5.who was the person who had the last dance with me?谁和我跳了最后一支舞

6.just one more chance, hold me tight and keep me warm, cause the night is getting cold and i dont know where i belong, just one last dance.最后一舞,抱紧我、温暖我,因为夜正越来越冷,而且我不知我该去哪里。最后一舞…

7.After all, senior prom is the last dance in high school for seniors. Only the senior students may attend this prom.这毕竟是最后一次高中舞会,只有毕业的高年级学生才可以参加。

8.An Anne Murray song began to play. "Save The Last Dance for Me" she sang.一首安妮·莫莉的歌开始响起;她唱的是《把最后一支舞留给我》。

9.The photographers had missed the last dance and the bouquet toss, the groom, Todd J. Remis of Manhattan, said.“摄像师错过了最后之舞和抛花”,来自曼哈顿的新郎陶德·J·雷米斯说。

10.But the market reaction suggests that Equinox may still be saving the last dance for Minmetals.但是市场反应似乎表明,Equinox可能仍对被五矿收购有兴趣。