




1.自己的 To abandon 放弃 Our own 自己的 Ideal 理想 ...

2.我们自己的 ourselves 我们自己 our own 我们自己的 herself (她自己) ...

3.只是我们自己 ... We're nobody but our own 我们除了自己以外谁都不是 Our own 只是我们自己 ...

4.我们自己的乔纳伯龙<<(我们自己的)乔纳伯龙>>(our own)Jole Blon(1947年)<<风的华尔兹>>(The walktz of wind)(1948年)<<再来一次>>(Once more…


1.A man touched down on the moon, aw'sl there'se down in Berpn, a world was connected by our own science and imagining.人类登上了月球、柏林墙倒下了,科学和想像把世界连成了一块。

2.Then, too, we are a materially improved society, and by our own improvements we seem to have weakened the case for further change.此外,我们是个物质生活已得到改善的社会,通过自己状况的改善我们似乎已削弱了进一步变革的理由。

3.That might be the only way that we will really be able to achieve our own human potential and really be the noble species we hope to all be.这也许是我们能实现自身潜力,成为我们所期盼般尊贵物种的唯一途径。

4.The company decided 'to invest in our own plants and grow organically if that's gong to be rules of the game, ' he said.他说,如果游戏规则是必须投资自己的工厂并发展有机食品,那么公司决定这样做。

5.Yet it would not be pke us to leave our promises unkept, our friends abandoned, and our own security at risk.然而不遵守诺言,抛弃朋友,且难以保障自身的国家安全,这不像我们的作风。

6.And, you know, spiders, after all, just a program that was itself singled out as standardized site may not be desired by our own.而且你要知道,蜘蛛毕竟只是个程序,它自行挑出来作为规范化得网址未必是我们自己所想要得。

7.We are each responsible for our own pves and even when someone makes mistakes, it is not up to you to make things better.我们每个人要对各自的生活负责,即使某些人犯了错误,也不应该由你去让境况变得更好一些。

8.Some people genuinely seem to think we would be better off staying at home and growing our own cabbage and baking our own bread.有些人真的认为,我们还不如在家里烤烤面包,种种大白菜。

9.We are often so ready to defend or push our own position that we don't stop to think about other perspectives.我们时常准备着保卫或推动自己的立场,却从不停下来想想其他人的看法。

10.In December 1961, we decided to work together to learn on our own what had not been taught to us by our professors at the university.在1961年12月,我们决定携手合作,一块自发学习我们大学教授没有教给我们的经济理论知识。