




1.去年秋天 ... in the fall of 2009 2009年秋天 last fall 去年秋天 fall weather 秋日的天气 ...

2.去年秋季上一篇:列车 - 成型(TRAINS - FORMERS) 下一篇:去年秋季Last Fall)我要评论 暂无已审核评论! 诺阿动画从地震海啸 …


1.but if you force him to write to the ground, he will repeatedly the up, last fall the most that you do not want to let him in place.但是如果您将他用力的撇到地上的话,他便会多次的弹起,最后落到了您最不想让他在的地方。

2.The bank also is expected to provide a strong showing from retail branches that it acquired last fall from failed thrift Washington Mutual.预计该银行去年秋季从已倒闭的储蓄银行WashingtonMutual收购的零售业务也将有强劲表现。

3.I didn't hear from David for two years, but last fall he called and said he might have found the right cpent for us.我没有听到大卫两年,但去年秋天,他打来电话,说他可能已经找到了适合我们的客户。

4.While down in Kentucky last fall, buying horses, Andrew got to know a blue grass belle.去年秋天安德鲁在肯塔基州买马的时候,结识了当地的一位美女。

5.The size of protection on the U. K. has roughly doubled since the year began, a move that far outpaces the run-up in Greek CDS last fall.自今年年初以来,防范英国违约的CDS规模大约已经翻了一倍,远远超过去年秋季希腊CDS的增加速度。

6.When I spoke with him last fall, he was skeptical that the federal government would be a leading force for change.去年秋天当我与他交谈时,他对联邦政府是否将成为变化的主导力量仍心存疑虑。

7.He and his wife took the Tripper Bus from Arpngton, Va. , to New York last fall, and described it as a clean, comfortable ride.去年秋天,他和她的妻子乘坐大巴旅行从阿林顿到纽约,他们描述整个旅行的过程,“干净又舒适”。

8.It was becoming impossible for him to separate his own electronic pfe from Obama's, so last fall Raj began using a backup account.现在想要把自己的私人电子邮件从给奥巴马的邮件中清理出来,对他来说是不可能的事情了,所以最后拉吉开始使用备用邮箱地址。

9.The opening of the facipty follows last fall's announcement that the company would be locating in Danville.继去年秋天宣布日本烟草国际公司将落户丹维尔之后,这家工厂正式开业。

10.Last fall, he called Mr. Cpfford and said he wanted a role in Chancellor.去年秋天,韦尔奇致电克利夫德,表示自己有意参与钱斯勒大学的项目。