




1.打定主意 ... 4 We might not go anywhere. 我们可能哪里也去不成。 2 make up our minds, 打定主意。 5 look after, 照看 …

2.决定 change our minds 改变想法 make up our minds 决定 pass through 穿过 ...

3.下决心 give the best regards 给此致敬意 make up our minds 下决心 had been ... before 是... 以前 ...


1.But we have not at all make up our minds upon it, and we find it a very pleasant exercise to discuss the matter, candidly, before we get up.但是我们已经一点也不在它之上决定,而且我们找它一种非常愉快的练习讨论物质,率直地,在我们起床之前。

2.This was the type of target every fi ghter pilot dreams about. We had only seconds to make up our minds, due to fuel concerns.这是每一个飞行员都梦寐以求目标,由于燃料的原因我们只有几秒种的考虑时间。

3.Though he remains a sceptic, he provides a wealth of information to let the rest of us make up our minds.尽管他仍是一个怀疑论者,但他也提供了大量信息让我们其他人下定决心。

4.There are many things which have to be thought of before we finally make up our minds to emigrate.在下决心移居国外之前,我们有很多事情不得不考虑。

5.Indeed, once we make up our minds to choose to do something, then our pfe becomes meaningful and specifically orientated.的确,一旦我们决定了要做什么,那么我们的生活就变得有了意义,有了特殊的目标。

6.Research shows we make up our minds about people through unspoken communication within seven seconds of meeting them.有研究显示,我们对他人的判断是根据我们最初遇到他们的七秒钟里所进行的无言的交流形成的。

7.Consciously or unconsciously, we make up our minds about people through their eyes, faces, bodies, and attitudes.不管是有意识还是无意识,我们往往会根据对方的眼神、形体动作、面部表情和态度对他们做出判断。

8.It is only when we make up our minds and work heart and soul that we will pve our pves to the fullest and reapze our dream at last.只有当我们下决心并全心全意付出努力,我们才会使我们的生活充实并最终实现我们的梦想。

9.Consciously or unconsciously, we make up our minds about people through, their eyes, faces, bodies and attituds.不管有意识还是无意识我们往往会根据对方的眼神,面部表情形体动作和态度对他们做出判断。

10.How to say future? Maybe it's a nice wish. Lets make up our minds, stick to it and surely well enjoy our pfe.如何解释未来?也许这是一个美好的愿望。让我们下定决心,坚持到底,那一定很喜欢我们的生活。