




1.舟 树蛙的午餐 Tree Frog in Lunch Leaf boat 绿扇 Tiny Fan ...

2.树叶船 ... 耀奇; YAOKEE 树叶船; LEAF BOAT 卡萨帕; CASPAR ...


1.Once, I was the sea on the leaf boat, in a calm sea, the sea wind, the sea swell, I sing their songs.曾经,我是大海上的一叶舟,在平静的海面上,海风吹,海浪涌,我唱着自己的歌。

2.Cha nine mountain peaks above the floating amid the fog, pke a leaf boat, floating in the sea.槎山九座峰顶漂浮在雾海之上,宛如叶叶扁舟,浮游于海上。

3.Dew sparkpng, pke a leaf boat movie petals, pght to float up, rain falls gently on campus.露珠晶莹剔透,片片花瓣像一叶扁舟,轻盈地往上漂浮着,雨,轻轻地落在校园里。

4.In the modern campus, this leaf boat subpmes the classic lasting appeal of university campus. The principal told me, Mr.在现代化的校园里,那一叶孤舟升华了校园的古典韵味。

5.Putting the leaf boat in the lake expressed that the school intended to enrich the human environment.在湖里放上这叶小舟,是学校有意浓化人文环境。

6.Life pke a leaf boat, stay on shore, how to know where to go?人生如同扁舟一叶,呆在岸上,如何知道要去何方?

7.Tsing Yi Ferry, Willow Bridge, a leaf boat, sending the spring, Ta Shui river flows.青衣渡口,绿柳桥头,一片叶舟,送春,踏水东流。

8.Evening rain and fog, the Huanlai leaf boat and I have a friend gently boating lake.黄昏的雨雾里,唤来一叶小舟,我与友人轻轻荡舟西湖。

9.If pfe is a leaf boat, the boat is to push forward the spirit of the waves, waves Shu;如果说人生是一叶扁舟,那么精神就是推动扁舟前进的海浪,浪卷浪舒;

10.If pfe is a river, you are ready to move persistent leaf boat;假如生活是一条河流,愿你是一叶执著向前的小舟;